TopPublications+ New at Publications (mirror)
In English. Updated 04.2021. Now only updated at Publications (mirror)

Publications & lectures ::

  1. IEEE-COPA 2021
    joint fringe presentation with Dr. Lawrence John Dickson (Larry):
    Torus heat equations to get dizzy from. Hooping with xC
  2. CPA-2018
    IEEE life members newsletter:
    "Lucky Strike with Missing Bytes"
  3. CPA-2018
    CPA 2018 fringe presentation
  4. CPA-2016
    CPA 2016 fringe presentation
  5. CPA-2015
    Two CPA 2015 fringe presentations
  6. CPA-2013
    Selective choice ‘feathering’ with XCHANs
  7. CPA-2012
    XCHANs: Notes on a New Channel Type
  8. CPA-2009
    New ALT for Application Timers and Synchronisation Point Scheduling
  9. CPA-2007
    High Cohesion and Low Coupling: the Office Mapping Factor
  10. CPA-2006
    No Blocking on Yesterday’s Embedded CSP Implementation
  11. ERCIM 2005
    First ERCIM Workshop on Software-Intensive Dependable Embedded systems, in cooperation with EUROMICRO
    From message queue to ready queue
  12. CPA-2001
    From safe concurrent processes to process-classes?
  13. CPA-2001
    CHANnels to deliver memory?
  14. Dedicated Systems Magazine (2000)
    Protocol design: you get what you put
  15. CPA-2000
    CSP: arriving at the CHANnel island
  16. Embedded Systems (2000)
    Safer multitasking with CSP
  17. WoTUG-22 (1999)
    Another side of SPoC: occam's ALTer ego dissected with PC-lint
  18. Real-Time Magazine (1998)
    Non-preemptive occam in DSP real-time system
  19. WoTUG-21 (1998)
    PAR and STARTP Take the Tanks
  20. EDN (1996)
    Ping-Pong scheme uses semaphores to pass dual-port-memory privileges
  21. NTUG'93
    Transputers and MS-Windows

Lectures ::

  1. NTNU (2019)
    Channeling against the flow
  2. NTNU (2018)
    Thinking about it: Channels more than connect threads. They protect them
  3. NTNU (2016)
    From hard microseconds to speedy years. Real time in the industry. Earlier lectures were in Norwegian (below)
  4. NTNU (2000)
    Mission impossible? Encapsulate that aliased alien!
  5. WoTUG-19 (1996)
    Java threads and the Commstime program
  6. WoTUG-18 (1995)
    The Game of Life and the Art of maintaining occam

Letters ::

  1. Dr. Dobb's (2000)
    C++ Aliasing
  2. Dr. Dobb's (1998)
    Java Deadlock
  3. Computer Language (09.1991)
    occam-2 version of "cube" in section "Feedback"

Other ::

  1. Private technology blogs
    New blogs (from 2012)
    Designer's notes
    Tech notes:
  2. Private (2002/2004)
    The strange years 2002 and 2004
  3. Work (2001)
    KMSS award "The Golden Wave" recipient
  4. Work (1988)
    Real-time executive for 8051-type single-chip microcomputers (RTX-51)
In Norwegian. Oppdatert 08.2022. Nå oppdateres bare Publications (mirror))


  1. "Slik styrer han akvariet sitt med XC", i kode24 (3.2020).
    Ressurssiden er her


  1. Vindustanker (2022)
  2. Slappe observasjoner (2018)
  3. Og der sto, du (2012)
  4. Tøyservietten og andre historier (2008)
  5. Blått stoff"(2004)

Artikler/brev ::

  1. Elektronikk
    1. "Katedralen" i bladet Elektronikk 4. 2008
  2. Teknisk Ukeblad
    1. Så mye hadde vi. Så mye rakk vi. Men får de? (2006)
    2. Usikre meldinger i dataverdenen (2005)
    3. Trygt med Java? (1999)
  1. Datatid
    Churchills elektroniske hemmelighet (1996)
  2. PC Magazine Norge
    Instansieringen av Java (1996)

Annet ::

  1. Privat: meg på BIBSYS
  2. Privat: Livet gikk videre: 2004
  3. Privat: Det rare året 2002
  4. Jobb: Mottatt KMSS-prisen "Gullbølgen" (2001)
  5. Jobb: Studentprosjekt veileder (1991-2017)

Foredrag ::

  1. NTNU (2015)
    Fra harde µ-sekunder til forte år (etc) - (2016: see above)
  2. embedded.TRD
    Go-style concurrency
  3. NTNU (2012-2014)
    Fra harde µ-sekunder til forte år (etc): 2014, 2013, 2012
  4. NTNU (2004-2011)
    Fra harde µ-sekunder via mjuke sekunder til forte år (etc): 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004
    1999: Java - sanntid?
  5. HiST (2009-2010)
    Fra sekvensielt til parallelt (og multikjerne): 20102009
  6. NRK P2 (2001)
    Operativsystemet - Dataprogrammet som gir maskinene handlekraft
    (også i bok)
  7. SISU Forum (1998)
    Occam - et blindspor?
  8. HiST (1996)
    Sanntidsprogrammering - Språkstøtte for "task", hva er det?
  9. Høgskolen i Gjøvik (1995)
    Erfaring med transputere i et av Autronicas maritime produkt
  10. Trondheim Ingeniørhøgskole (1994)
  11. Trondheim Ingeniørhøgskole (1993)
    Sanntidssystemer - occam og transputere, kjerringa mot strømmen?
  12. NTH (1992)
    Sanntidssystemer - occam og transputere, kjerringa mot strømmen?
  13. NTH (1991)
© Øyvind Teig