In: Communicating Process Architectures 2001
Alan Chalmers, Majid Mirmehdi and Henk Muller (Eds.)
IOS Press, NL, 2001
Pages 305-308
ISBN 1 58603 202 X (IOS Press), 4 274 90467 9 C3000 (Ohmsha), Library of Congress Control
Number: 2001094313
In: Concurrent Systems Engineering Series (ISSN 1383-7575)
Eds.: M.R. Jane, J. Hulskamp, P.H. Welch, D. Stiles, T.L.Kunii
Volume 59
Ref.: CPA 2001:
The presentation: index.html
nels to deliver memory?MOBILE
structures and ALT
ing over memory?Abstract. Memory objects are assigned to processes over a
nel like construct. This way one can wait for an object indefinitely, or with timeout in anALT
construct - coexisting withCHAN
nel inputs. The run-timeSYSTEM
will handle requests. Alternatively, a user memory handler process may use the underlyingSYSTEM
and serve other clients. Occam 2 is used as catalyst language.
This note was directly inspired by Barnes and Welch, "Mobile Data Types for Communicating Processes" [1], where the concept of copy by ownership moving between concurrent processes is bound into the occam 2 language.
The paper introduces "the basic idea to make dynamic memory allocation not break scheduling independence for parallel (occam-like) systems" (to quote one of the referees). It introduces a way to handle memory allocation failures in these systems. In f.ex. limited memory embedded devices, the idea suggested opens a possibility to dynamically allocate memory, not by a go/no-go malloc, but by treating memory allocation as a blocking synchronisation primitive, which may coexist with channel inputs in ALT statements. The memory "delivered" by the run-time system may be of any type, specified by a system module.
This note tries to "think aloud". It is not part of any ongoing research, contains ideas only, collected by a software engineer working in industry.
Because this paper consists of ideas only, as input from industry to academia or toolmakers, it has not been a goal to suggest usable examples. Also, how the underlying run-time system would function is not discussed. This also goes for the liveliness properties of the run-time system, as well as liveliness properties of occam programs using the concept. So, whether f.ex. processes can deadlock blocking for memory, is not handled. The individual elements in the list below have on purpose been presented in a rather terse form. The good thing is that page count is low!
Let us just jump on the ideas by playing with imaginative occam examples (this is not occam 2):
MEM MyIntrinsicMem CASE STACK HEAP PLACED; address; accessRights ROM; address FLASH; address; accessRights VIRTUAL EXCEPTION; type -- exceptionally handled :
Just like CHAN OF aPROTOCOL, we introduce a similar SYSTEM OF
Above, MyIntrinsicMem is a name defined by the user. In the example MEM
etc. are new keywords which are understood by a
configurer and run-time system. Maybe their properties, like address and size could be
defined above, or maybe a separate configuration language is needed. This probably depends
on how often a MEM
is used in the program, one time or scattered
SYSTEM OF MyIntrinsicMem aMEM: MOBILE THINGa buffera: -- A data type with SIZE=512 MOBILE THINGb bufferb: -- A data type with SIZE=64 THINGc bufferc: -- Static
keyword is inspired from Modula-2, where features of the
"system" were defined within the SYSTEM
module, like the size of an
integer and how coroutines should be started and synchronized. In Modula-2, this
module was built into the compiler "because some of the objects it defines cannot be
expressed in the Modula-2 language" [2].
keyword is taken from [1] and informs us that
the data may be dynamically allocated in some way, and ownership of data defined may be
passed around.
aMEM[HEAP] ? buffera -- blocks for object from HEAP aMEM[HEAP,STACK] ? buffera -- blocks for object from HEAP or STACK aMEM[PLACED(#1000,RW)] ? dualPortMem -- blocks for object from dual-port memory aMEM[] ? buffera -- blocks for object from any segment(?)
The examples above show how different kinds of memory may be assigned for memory objects. In effect, we have a parameterised new operator.
aMEM[HEAP] ? bufferc -- blocks for static usage(?)
It may be a good idea also to let static data come into presence by this mechanism, an example is shown above. (This may pre-empt the sub-title of this note..) The compiler would be able to see how an object is supposed to come into being.
aMEM[HEAP] ? buffera AFTER time -- ILLEGAL
Above, it would give up after time if memory did not become available. This is
an exception from CHAN
nel syntax - it cannot not be legal, since we do not
have a mechanism to handle timeout failure.
ALT (NOT needsBuffer) & aCHAN ? someData ... Process, set needsBuffer (needsBuffer) & aMEM[HEAP] ? buffera SEQ ... Use buffera ... Send off if appropriate (needsBuffer) & clock ? AFTER timeout ... Handle timeout
However, we can always time out in an ALT
. This server receives someData
on aCHAN, processes it, but needs buffera in order to do some more
interesting things. When, or if, buffera has been received, it processes it and
sends it on to another process, in which case a new reclaim later on will be recognised by
the runtime SYSTEM
as a proper request. If it decides not to send
off, the runtime SYSTEM
will, on next reclaim, see that it already has a
buffer, and pass on the privileges it already has.
ALT aMEM[] ? CASE STACK; buffera ... HEAP; buffera ...
Above, we just want space for buffera, and we do not care from where. If
neither STACK
nor HEAP
is available, we have a STOP
ALT aMEM[PLACED(#2000,RW)] ? CASE PLACED; dualPortMem ... Do this EXCEPTION; type .. Handle it
Above, we want to serve a dual port memory which resides on a plug-in card. If the card
is not present, we receive an EXCEPTION
instead. If we decided that we wanted
to be signalled whenever a card was inserted, we could just drop the EXCEPTION
handling, and the runtime SYSTEM
would signal us in due course.
ALT [2]ab IS [buffera,bufferb]: -- or RETYPES? PRI ALT i = 0 FOR SIZE ab aMEM[HEAP] ? ab[i] SEQ ... Now we have the largest buffer available of the two ... Inform client which buffer size I have
The server above gets the largest of the two buffers, since buffera,
which is largest and has been assigned highest ALT
priority, is indexed as
PROC MEMHandler ([]SYSTEM OF MyIntrinsicMem aMEMS) WHILE TRUE ALT i=0 FOR SIZE aMEMS aMEMS[i][] ? CASE .. Process request and send out access right :
Above, we have inserted a local MEMHandler between our processes and SYSTEM
MEMHandler itself is able to communicate with SYSTEM
directly. It
would perhaps be most natural to let MEMHandler reply over the same SYSTEM
"channel" on which the request arrived. By studying the examples above, we
understand this has to be so. Our servers request some type of memory (out) and receive
some kind of response (in) without specifically using uni-directional mechanisms. An
implicit bi-directional scheme is instead suggested.
I must thank Peter Welch for sending me a draft version of [1] half a year ago, and quietly listening on some of the thoughts above at that stage. When I recently asked him how it went with [1], he sent it to me just prior to the PDPTA conference. This gave me time to write this note for the CPA 2001 deadline.
- [1]
- F.R.M. Barnes and P.H.Welch, "Mobile Data Types for Communicating Processes", CSREA Press, June 2001. The 2001 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'2001)
- [2]
- Logitech M2, Modula-2 Language Reference, Multiscope Inc, Dec.1991, page 273
- [3]
- Øyvind Teig, "From safe concurrent processes to process-classes? PLUSSING new code by ROLLING out and compile?", submitted to CPA 2001.
Øyvind Teig is Senior Development Engineer at Kongsberg Maritime Ship Systems, Ship Control. He has worked with embedded systems for 25 years, and is especially interested in real-time language issues. See for publications.