Started 14Mar2020. Updated 25Mar2025
To check for dates just search like «27Jul2021», «03Aug2022» or «Mar2025».


 Site Archives – Should cover them all


266 IEEE-COPA 2025 fringe – to be published after the conference. Title: «Can gears that engage only so good make the machine run?» Tricky MEMS mic sampling etc.


263 An encounter with AI-powered Cursor text editor and XC – an a polite apology from the claude-3.5-sonnet AI engine
151 My single-board boards and why notes – Update Mar2025: xcore-200 Evaluation Kit board dimensions (*)
049 Nondeterminism – See Aside: transputer and PRI ALT vs. ALT (***)
016 Cooperative scheduling in ANSI-C and process body software quality metrics (***)
219 My Beep-BRRR notes – 05Jan2025: Alternative: ML based on Tsetlin machines? UPS. Plus some log & movies and testing prototype in the field – and the occasional trivial edit in the base note.  (***)
243 My MEMS microphones notes etc. – (27Dec2024 M5STACK Atmic Echo Base). What is a 5th order sigma-delta (Σ‑Δ) modulator? Plus stuff about sw library or libraries (***)
241 XMOS xcore RISC-V – Update 16dec2024 (***)
261 Beep-BRRR using smart home to extend its functionality– and some about some Plejd products and about some remote alarm warning units I made
224 My sharp curve wye switch – DIY short turnout. Dec2024: Too narrow, solutions? – point 5 (**)
229 My Fine Models E71 scale 1 – Dec2024: Märklin Maxi E 69
203 SBB Historic: Schaltplan: two circuit diagrams of the Ce 6/8 III crocodile – Ref. [36]



265 My soundmaster radio IR65000SW modified – A hack on a radio to make USB-C ↔ USB-C cable possible. And the possible use of a USB-C charger, without some adapter in between
201 My Krokis notes – About SBB Ce 6/8 II and Ce 6/8 III «Crocodile» locomotives. Mar2025: more on what a Crocodile is (not NSB EL-4)  (***)
132 Railway modelling scratchpad – Super Lube? A Roco 78293 loco runs again (new sounddecoder board)
216 My album of model railway photos
260 MJ-bladet 4 2024 «Drømmetur med en krokodille» – in the Norwegian hobby-magazine MJ-bladet
262 DIY handbag hanger strap (**)
258 My cube and infinite loop decoration (*)
An exciting postcard from 1956
100A scope to fulfill – Pokit and FNIRSI (**)
Transputer TRAM (was: boards for sale) – Jun24: T800 poster and proto occam book from 1983. Some transputer history, there I guess
235 My Lisbon tram 28 diorama (*) (New: «Aside: a tram kit from Rolife»)
208 My processor-to-analogue audio equaliser notes Now bass/treble etc. per input channel
 237 Office desk, shelves and folding doors – Kontorpult, hyller og foldedører (***)
247 My Lego 12077 crocodile notes ()


212 Notes from the vault – 0x02 – Transputers 
248 Notes from the vault 0x06 – The lives of a Wang 700 calculator – new picture of a PLATO computer system screen from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 1967
239 Fully charging hearing aids from power banks – Hvordan lade et høreapparet fra en powerbank som slipper for tidlig? (**)
256 My Rust programming language notes – In work
209 My XC softblinking PWM notes – Now a better pwm_for_LED_task (ie. pwm_task_w) (***)
246 My Pokit scope(s) (**)
255 My missing smart home connection – and some questions about some Plejd products
228 Δ tillegg til norsk ultralydhistorie – «Δ addition to Norwegian ultrasound history». («Delta tillegg»..) In Norwegian: auto-translated to English. Nytt: På siden, ref. til boka til Linn Stalsberg (**)
072 Pike & Sutter: Concurrency vs. Concurrency – An aside by Rob Pike about async/await
253 My audio automatic gain control sw driver (AGC) notes – Is a little about the Beep-BRR2 in general, and how I implemented AGC on the mic input, in order to try to «hear» better through a closed door
194 My FPGA notes – Clash (HDL). Tiny Tapeout (TinyTapeout) FPGA → ASIC
1983 1988 Trademark occam and occam 2 INMOS Limited 249 occam programming language – the «proto occam» 1983 book scanned again and now the PDF is also searchable
061 WordPress – The academic reference list at the bottom takes so much width on a mobile’s screen that the rest gets like 80% width. Remove ol_ref? (*)
245 My Stelton EM77 vacuum jug cap ball hack ()
250 XCHANs: Notes on a New Channel Type – (some additions and a brushing up of the CPA 2012 article reference. Also some from CPA 2013)
065 IEC 61508 and programming paradigms – PX5 RTOS mentioned
221 C plus lib_xcore black-boxes xC – XTA to reappear? Lingua Franca mentioned (***)
222 My XMOS XTC Tools notepad – XC is still supported!  (***)
190 My Zephyr RTOS notes (**) (VirtuosoNext)
169 My subwoofer notes – A DALI subwoofer with hum – removed (***)
141 xC is C plus x – xTIMEcomposer libraries even if xC is obsoleted. (Therefore the photo’s url goes to that beautful code, taken from the note) (***)
077 A reactive manifest – The Reactive Manifesto, Lingua Franca and Rebeca Modeling Language
083 Modelljernbanesider – Addresses to Norwegian model railway club pages (some scale 1/1!?) (*)
244 My some leftover furniture notes – Some daily stuff that I discovered wasn’t here ()
HOBBY – A textual summary.  Et sammendrag på norsk
My XMOS pages 098 – 31May2023 (XCORE-200-EXPLORER.xn file update for 14.4.1)
242 My soft pill holder – Pilleboks (*) (Yes, I am serious!)
207 My «Im taking an early holiday cos i know summer comes soonest in the south» note – A brutally modified poster. New url for the large poster download
174 My aquarium notes – Algae and LED problem goodbye! (**)
128Timing out design by contract with a stopwatch (**)
240 Jewelry box (#5, for a grandchild) Smykkeskrin (***)
225 Two early Autronica VLSI chips
196 My materials science notes – Added about carbon fibre composites (*)
238 A bluish cupboard – Et blåaktig veggskap  (***)
236 A shelf unit from stacked IKEA “Nissafors” utility carts – (IKEA hack) – Tynn og høy hylle fra tre IKEA «Nissefors» trillebord (**)
HOBBY – Woodwork etc. New overview page with thumbnails, just like this page (***)
052 SBB Ae 3/6 II differences Added som detail about Roco 78293
046 SBB Ae 3/6 II (Scale models) Added som detail about Roco 78293
189 My IoT box(?) Added the RISC-V for ESP32-C
143 My xCORE-200 eXplorerKIT notes (WiFi) Added the RISC-V for ESP32-C and the coming X4 chip architecture from XMOS
060 Wishes for a folding editor. Update triggered by use of VSCode and the extension «Explicit Folding» for it (**)
233 RTX-51, an embedded scheduler
062 «Waiting faster» A note from 2013 brushed up. About Hoare’s «Concurrent programs wait faster» ()
VindustankerNY BOK! Denne gang med 81 mikrotekster. Også denne kan du lese helt gratis! (New book, in Norwegian) (***)
059 Some macOS / OSX notes Visual Studio Code as HTML editor on old html files started on Windows (*)
228 Δ tillegg til norsk ultralydhistorie – «Δ addition to Norwegian ultrasound history». In Norwegian: auto-translated to English
213 Et strippet og ombygd voltmeter – In Norwegian, about an alien instrument made for a play. Summary in English, here (*)
Cross-site tracking Surprised? Not really!
My fritzing notesMy KiCad notesMy iCircuit notes Some tools
Go code examples Fixed a broken golang code layout
My Go (golang) notes A list of them all
My aquarium holiday automatic fish feeder (for granules) Named the solenoid
Notes from the vault – 0x03 «Two early Autronica VLSI chips» (also some early traces of Nordic Semiconductor)
Fault injection detection See 26Jan2022 there
My SIGLENT scope log Updated the scope
Små krokodille-historier «Small crocodile stories» (the Swiss locomotive SBB Ce 6/8 etc.) in the Norwegian hobby magazine «Modell & Elektronikk». Now readable! Google Translate tip included
NTNU About me: I am presently not an «affiliated», but an external examiner only
My embedded RTOS notes Timed C
CSP on Node.js and ClojureScript by JavaScript PyCSP
Technical debt vs. technical deposit An idea?
En museumssamlings 125-årsjubileum Foto av verkstedsbygningen til Edvard Røhmen
How much concurrency? Added some words to be hit by search
My XC code downloads page All code downloads from the same page. Newest 31Aug2021
MC/DC is not either a rock band nor a current type Updated about the XMOS XTA tool
Keeping a closet door open Plus «Making a door getting closed»
My IKEA «Alex» desk’s new table top Five years’ wear update
IEEE-COPA 2021 fringe IEEE-COPA 2021: «Torus heat equations to get dizzy from. Hooping with xC” fringe by Dickson & me
My IceCore notes Some more on Chisel
Go(-lang) forums matters golang-nuts: Still “missing” priority or ordered select in go?
Towards a taxonomy(?) of CSP-based systems PyCSP
Older blog notes Moved from old Blogspot
My XC combined combinable notes Soon 90% finished?
Lucky strike with missing bytes – IEEE life members newsletter 12.2020
214 My button presses vs bounce vs EMI notes Extract from 208 plus added text
My «Day’s End» by Jane Hart reflection
My aquarium’s data radioed through the shelf The xC code now downloadable
XMOS FreeRTOS port AIoT SDK announced
My BRAWA 0571 BLS Te 2/3 Pictures of it as BLS CFe 2/6 added
My leaf of comfort – SW / HW that cannot turn against us? Aside: CRC16, CRC32 and the Birthday Paradox named a chapter
Notes from the vault – 0x02 Why are you disposing of all this hardware?
My canal house miniatures Nice miniatures from Amsterdam
210 Analog-to-digital converters (ADC) 
My XMOS notes xcore.ai explorer board
Not so blocking after all User forums, and a post to Rust
My Fleischmann 396071 DR-Baureihe E 60 Detail, plus a comment
E-FUN (Electronics fun) Group page
Katedralen Rescanned and moved to WordPress. In Norwegian (from Elektronikk #4 2008)
Adapting without a button battery Now my lighthouse flashes 24/7!
I am «aclassifier» and OVERVIEW Minor
Wikipedia user: Aclassifier New page
www.kode24.no article about XC (NO). Resource page kode24 (E) Added code
My XMOS notes 14.4.1
SBB Ae 3/6 II (H0) Icons for books
XC code examples Code examples


Site Archives Should cover them all, also those in the list above
Designer’s notes.