My iCircuit notes

New 16Mar2022.

Since I am making the My fritzing notes and My KiCad notes I thought iCircuit deserves also to be mentioned. I have used iCircuit a lot, and I love it! All the PDF circuit diagrams in all my notes have been written with iCircuit. Its author Frank A Krueger has even responded when I have a comment or two, and updated. I am at the moment (Mar2022) running this on macOS Mojave 10.14.6.

iCircuit ( by Krueger Systems.

iCircuit schematic editor and simulator is extremely easy to use! If you don’t require any type of board, this is the easiest alternative. This, after having tried fritzing and KiCad.

Right now I only see one problem:

  1. Some «foreign» characters won’t export to PDF. Like if I make a text label with my name «Øyvind Teig» in, the whole label (or box if it’s framed) won’t appear in the PDF (iCircuit version 1.11.3 (111302)) (Reported 6Jul2020 on Twitter: @praeclarum)