- An encounter with AI-powered Cursor text editor and XC – Jan2025
- My audio automatic gain control sw driver (AGC) notes – Feb2024
- My MEMS microphones notes – Feb2023
- XMOS xcore RISC-V – Dec2022
- My XMOS XTC Tools notepad – Version «XTC 15.x.y»..or XTC 0.5 (?)
- C plus lib_xcore black-boxes xC (13May2021) Paradigm shift: C plus lib_xcore for xC!
- My lexical attempt at xC (April 2021) Just some loose thoughts
- My Beep-BRRR notes – blogging hiatus at the moment, but new movies (Jan2023)
- IEEE-COPA 2021 fringe (April 2021)
- My xC combined combinable notes
- My xC code downloads page My xC sources
- My button presses vs bounce vs EMI notes (migrated from 208)
- My xC softblinking PWM notes. In-depth analysis of
- My processor to analogue audio equaliser notes. Using an XMOS
xCORE-XA Core ModulestartKIT board (some migrated to 214) - Fault injection detection, chapter «XMOS»
- kode24 – In Norwegian (but Google translate url exists). A long and comprehensive article about xC in Norwegian coder’s web magazine kode24.no. Also announced at User case article about xC at xCORE Exchange
- XMOS FreeRTOS port
- What me worrying about the role of xC? (here)
- My USB watchdog (and relay output) box
- CPA 2018 fringe – Unravelling xC concepts [[combine]], [[combinable]], [[distribute]], [[distributable]] and [[distributed(..)]] plus par and on..
- My aquarium notes – using an XMOS startKIT
- xC code examples
- My aquarium’s data radioed through the shelf – using RFM69
- Me relying on relaying BLE?
- My WiFi101 library port
- My Git/GitHub notes
- My Piggyback WiFi1500 sliceCARD
- My single-board boards and why notes
- My xCORE-200 eXplorerKIT notes (WiFi) – using an XMOS eXplorerKIT board
- xC is C plus x
- My XMOS notes (including My gut feeling right now and XMOS series of processors)
- 049:[xC by XMOS] – in note Nondeterminism
These notes are about my interest in safety-critical, embedded and concurrent systems – and how I have used the xC language and xTIMEcomposer development system, the startKIT board (obsoleted, but certainly working, top picture) and the xCORE-200 Explorer Kit dev. board (bottom picture, right). Those themes are more or less mentioned in the above notes. I have both been praising what I saw (xC, xCORE, support, ..) and burning my fingers (AD on the startKIT’s processor, awaiting next xTIMEcomposer, ..) – and tried to fill in some holes (processor overview, some xC docs, ..) left by XMOS. I now hope that it won’t be all audio. Standard disclaimer.