Lecture NTNU

«Becoming textual: attempting to model ‘XCHAN’ with CSPm»
«Using FDR2 and ProBE tools when state-ing is not enough»
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By Øyvind Teig, Autronica Fire and Security. Original 15April2013, updated August2013

Delivered as exam lecture for «TK8112 – The Theory of Concurrency in Real-Time Systems»

Teig at NTNU 15 April 2013

All original lecture material: http://www.teigfam.net/oyvind/blog_notes/063/063-Teig-NTNU.zip.
It’s not completely open, you need to unzip it with this pw: teig_4_2013 since it’s not a blog note as such. However…

..in August 2013 the two «Modeling XCHAN» pages were updated to reflect the Epilogue (below). I then decided to make the pdf open. Read at http://www.teigfam.net/oyvind/blog_notes/063/Teig_at_NTNU_2013_08.pdf

This blog note was also made during my study: FDR2 notes

Epilogue :-:

August 2013

  • After the CPA-2012 paper «XCHANs: Notes on a New Channel Type» (here), I did another paper on a new idea, presented at CPA-2013: «Selective choice ‘feathering’ with XCHANs» (here)
  • At the fringe at CPA-2013 this was presented:
    «An occam Model of XCHANs»
    Peter H. WELCH (a) and Øyvind TEIG (b)
    (a) School of Computing, University of Kent, UK
    (b) Autronica Fire and Security AS, Trondheim, Norway
    See here

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