| | |
265 | My soundmaster radio IR65000SW modified | 01 A hack on a radio to make USB-C ↔ USB-C cable possible |
264 | HTTP and HTTPS | 05 Testing SSL and redirect |
261 | Beep-BRRR using smart home to extend its functionality | 06 More Plejd used to extend warning functionality |
256 | My Rust programming language notes | 07 Rust has concurrency support! |
255 | My missing smart home connection | 04 (Beep-BRRR with some Plejd products) (also some on futurehome) |
254 | My technological aside digressions | 06 (!?) |
253 | My audio automatic gain control sw driver (AGC) notes | 05 |
252 | Embedded threads in par for you? | 07 (short) |
251 | Channelling through XCORE processors | 09 (not open yet) |
250 | XCHANs: Notes on a New Channel Type | 09 (paper from 2012) |
249 | Notes from the vault 0x07 – occam programming language | 06 (History by looking back) |
248 | Notes from the vault 0x06 – The lives of a Wang 700 calculator | 06 (History by looking back, computer history) |
246 | My Pokit scope(s) | 04 (oscilloscope) |
243 | My MEMS microphones notes (Also library, libraries) | 10 |
241 | XMOS xcore RISC-V | 10 |
239 | Fully charging hearing aids from power banks | 03 |
234 | Cross-site tracking | 05 If you are concerned about net privacy |
233 | Notes from the vault – 0x05 – RTX-51, an embedded scheduler | 06 History by looking back (RTX-51, RTX51 or RX51) |
232 | My iCircuit notes | 05 For simple diagrams and circuit calculations, I have used it a lot |
231 | My KiCad notes | 04 Started with it. Has "everything" |
230 | My fritzing notes | 02 I decided not to use it, even if nice for breadboard |
228 | Notes from the vault – 0x04: Δ tillegg til norsk ultralydhistorie | 06 Small Δ addition to the Norwegian medical ultrasound history (in Norwegian) |
226 | Notes from the vault – 0x03: Two early Autronica VLSI chips | 06 |
222 | My XMOS XTC Tools notepad | 10 |
221 | C plus lib_xcore black-boxes xC | 10 XMOS paradigm shift with lib_xcore |
220 | My lexical attempt at xC | 5 xC and Wikipedia |
219 | My Beep-BRRR notes and Movies (Also library, libraries) | 10 xC and audio |
217 | My xC combined combinable notes | 08 Gourmet xC |
--- | Lucky strikes with missing bytes. Origin | 05 In IEEE Life members newsletter (Dec.2020) |
215 | My xC code downloads page | 08 All xC code downloads |
214 | My button presses vs bounce vs EMI notes | 08 Button presses, bouncing and EMI noise |
212 | Notes from the vault – 0x02 - Transputers | 06 History by looking back 0x02 |
210 | Notes from the vault – 0x01 – Analog-to-digital converters (ADC) | 05 History by looking back |
209 | My xC softblinking PWM notes | 07 (xC coding) |
208 | My processor-to-analogue audio equaliser notes | 07 (Audio, stereo, hifi) |
206 | Fault injection detection | 07 |
205 | Adapting without a button battery (E-FUN) | 06 |
204 | My leaf of comfort
SW / HW that cannot turn against us? | 07 |
202 | Slik styrer han akvariet sitt med xC
(This is how he controls his aquarium with xC) | 09 (for kode24.no, in Norwegian) |
200 | XMOS FreeRTOS port | 07 (not my own work) |
198 | A LED string dissected (E-FUN) | 04 (not my own work) |
196 | My materials science notes | 04 |
194 | My FPGA notes | 08 (In work) (Verilog) |
193 | My aquarium holiday automatic fish feeder (for granules) | 06 (especially "Monitoring the solenoid") |
190 | My Zephyr RTOS notes | 07 |
189 | My IoT box(?) | 06 |
187 | My USB watchdog (and relay output) box | 07 (Pulses USB 5V out if not talked to over I2C) |
185 | My SIGLENT scope log | 05 (oscilloscope) |
184 | My embedded RTOS notes | 08 |
182 | Aquarium | 02 (just some testing) |
175 | CPA 2018 fringe: Unravelling xC concepts [[combine]], [[combinable]],
[[distribute]], [[distributable]] and [[distributed(..)]] plus par and on.. | 08 (a lecture) |
174 | My aquarium notes | 06 ("hobby" but still much tech) |
169 | My subwoofer notes | 04 (Audio, stereo, hifi) |
166 | Go code examples | 06 (Go, golang) |
165 | xC code examples | 08 |
164 | My aquarium’s data radioed through the shelf | 08 |
162 | Me relying on relaying BLE? | 08 |
157 | My WiFi101 library port | 08 |
156 | My Git/GitHub/GitLab notes | 05 |
154 | My Piggyback WiFi1500 sliceCARD | 07 |
153 | My PicoScope notes | 05 (oscilloscope) |
151 | My single-board boards and why notes | 05 |
143 | My xCORE-200 eXplorerKIT notes (WiFi) | 07 |
141 | xC is C plus x (Also library, libraries) | 06 (forever in work) |
140 | MC/DC is not either a rock band nor current type | 05 |
139 | Swift concurrency(?) | 05 |
138 | Determined about buffers and bit arrays? | 07 |
136 | if ret val 0 is ok then -1 is error else if ret val 0 is error then 1 is ok | 05 |
135 | Towards a taxonomy of CSP-based systems | 08 (forever in work) |
134 | Dampening iMac fan noise | 02 (but good for a 10?) |
133 | Including an OS | 07 (about IncludeOS) |
128 | Timing out design by contract with a stopwatch | 07 |
126 | Technical debt vs. technical deposit | 06 |
125 | Timeouts and antiresonance stop | 07 |
122 | My SafeRTOS notes | 06 |
120 | “The Go Programming Language” by Donovan & Kernighan | 06 (Go, Golang) |
114 | JavaScript tree becoming concurrent? | 06 (discussion only) |
113 | Go(-lang) forums matters | 06 (Go, Golang, golang-nuts, golang-dev) |
109 | Know your timer's type | 07 |
108 | Two CPA 2015 fringe presentations | 06 |
107 | Hard real-time | 07 |
105 | Perturbing concurrent processes | 07 |
102 | Spin-and-burn loop leveling | 05 |
101 | My BitScope notes | 03 (oscilloscope) |
100 | A scope to fulfill | 05 (oscilloscope) |
099 | ExtraPuTTY's extras | 01 |
098 | My XMOS notes | 06 |
097 | Connecting protocols | 06 |
096 | What, a square hole in the hull! None round? (About RRCA etc.) | 07 |
095 | Churchills elektroniske hemmelighet (reprint of a 1996 article about Alan Turing) | 03 (in Norwegian) |
093 | How much concurrency? | 06 |
092 | Not so blocking after all (and a conditional admission) | 07 |
091 | To reset a plane
| 02 |
090 | Atomic for all? | 06 |
| Go-style concurrency (at embedded.TRD 26March2014)
| 05 (Go, Golang) |
084 | CSP on Node.js and ClojureScript by JavaScript | 07 |
081 | Rich interface component modeling
| 07 |
079 | WYSIWYG semantics | 06 |
078 | HTML5 and concurrency | 05 |
| rtx-51 (1988) and JavaScript(?) | 05 |
| rtx-51 (1988) | 05 Autronica (RX51) |
077 | A reactive manifest
| 05 Reactive, asynchronous |
076 | Radiobyggboken, about a book from 1965
| 03 (in Norwegian) (oscilloscope) |
075 | Eventual concurrency | 05 |
074 | Block play for blockers
| 04 |
072 | Pike & Sutter: Concurrency vs. Concurrency | 07 (Go, Golang) |
066 | IEC 61508 and concurrency | 04 |
065 | IEC 61508 and programming paradigms
| 05 |
063 | Becoming textual: attempting to model ‘XCHAN’ with CSPm | 03 Lecture for exam at NTNU |
062 | Waiting faster | 06 |
061 | WordPress
| 03 |
060 | Wishes for a folding editor
| 04 |
059 | Some macOS / OSX notes | 03 (macOS, Apple, Parallels, Windows, Microsoft) |
058 | Trust me, it's safe
| 03 |
057 | FDR2 notes | 06 (Formally proven with CSPm and FDR) |
056 | Some questions about SDL | 07 |
050 | Sound on sound and picture?
| 03 |
049 | Nondeterminism or non-determinism | 05 (Also Go, golang). Fair, fairness, blocking, ALT amd select |
047 | Priority select in Go | 05 (Go, Golang, golang-nuts) |
| Designer's notes - 18 notes | 05 |
| Older blog notes | 05 |
035 | Channels and rendezvous vs. safety-critical systems - about the
Ada Ravenscar Profile (The Jorvik Profile is also mentioned) | 07 |
021 | The problems with threads - about Edward A. Lee's paper | 07 |
018 | A scheduler is not as transparent as I thought | 07 |
016 | Cooperative scheduling in ANSI-C and process body software quality metrics When STPTH Static Path Count and
STCYC Cyclomatic Complexity are no good metrics | 07 |
009 | The "knock-come" deadlock free pattern | 09 (Formally proven with Promela and SPIN) |
| Publications, lectures, articles etc. | 10 |
| Patent, work and about | 8 |
| Testing-for-search-in-tables | |