
Also see Google Scholar «Øyvind Teig» here

Seq.TitleRelevance 01 to max 10
265My soundmaster radio IR65000SW modified01 A hack on a radio to make USB-C ↔ USB-C cable possible
264HTTP and HTTPS 05 Testing SSL and redirect
261Beep-BRRR using smart home to extend its functionality 06 More Plejd used to extend warning functionality
256My Rust programming language notes 07 Rust has concurrency support!
255My missing smart home connection 04 (Beep-BRRR with some Plejd products) (also some on futurehome)
254My technological aside digressions 06 (!?)
253My audio automatic gain control sw driver (AGC) notes 05
252Embedded threads in par for you? 07 (short)
251Channelling through XCORE processors 09 (not open yet)
250XCHANs: Notes on a New Channel Type 09 (paper from 2012)
249Notes from the vault 0x07 – occam programming language 06 (History by looking back)
248Notes from the vault 0x06 – The lives of a Wang 700 calculator 06 (History by looking back, computer history)
246My Pokit scope(s) 04 (oscilloscope)
243My MEMS microphones notes (Also library, libraries)10
241XMOS xcore RISC-V10
239Fully charging hearing aids from power banks03
234Cross-site tracking05 If you are concerned about net privacy
233Notes from the vault – 0x05 – RTX-51, an embedded scheduler06 History by looking back (RTX-51, RTX51 or RX51)
232My iCircuit notes05 For simple diagrams and circuit calculations, I have used it a lot
231My KiCad notes04 Started with it. Has "everything"
230My fritzing notes02 I decided not to use it, even if nice for breadboard
228Notes from the vault – 0x04: Δ tillegg til norsk ultralydhistorie06 Small Δ addition to the Norwegian medical ultrasound history (in Norwegian)
226Notes from the vault – 0x03: Two early Autronica VLSI chips06
222My XMOS XTC Tools notepad10
221C plus lib_xcore black-boxes xC10 XMOS paradigm shift with lib_xcore
220My lexical attempt at xC5 xC and Wikipedia
219My Beep-BRRR notes and Movies (Also library, libraries)10 xC and audio
217My xC combined combinable notes08 Gourmet xC
---Lucky strikes with missing bytes. Origin05 In IEEE Life members newsletter (Dec.2020)
215My xC code downloads page08 All xC code downloads
214My button presses vs bounce vs EMI notes08 Button presses, bouncing and EMI noise
212Notes from the vault – 0x02 - Transputers06 History by looking back 0x02
210Notes from the vault – 0x01 – Analog-to-digital converters (ADC)05 History by looking back
209My xC softblinking PWM notes07 (xC coding)
208My processor-to-analogue audio equaliser notes07 (Audio, stereo, hifi)
206Fault injection detection07
205Adapting without a button battery (E-FUN)06
204My leaf of comfort
SW / HW that cannot turn against us?
202Slik styrer han akvariet sitt med xC
(This is how he controls his aquarium with xC)
09 (for, in Norwegian)
200XMOS FreeRTOS port07 (not my own work)
198A LED string dissected (E-FUN)04 (not my own work)
196My materials science notes04
194My FPGA notes08 (In work) (Verilog)
193My aquarium holiday automatic fish feeder (for granules)06 (especially "Monitoring the solenoid")
190My Zephyr RTOS notes07
189My IoT box(?)06
187My USB watchdog (and relay output) box07 (Pulses USB 5V out if not talked to over I2C)
185My SIGLENT scope log05 (oscilloscope)
184My embedded RTOS notes08
182Aquarium02 (just some testing)
175CPA 2018 fringe: Unravelling xC concepts [[combine]], [[combinable]],
[[distribute]], [[distributable]] and [[distributed(..)]] plus par and on..
08 (a lecture)
174My aquarium notes06 ("hobby" but still much tech)
169My subwoofer notes04 (Audio, stereo, hifi)
166Go code examples06 (Go, golang)
165xC code examples08
164My aquarium’s data radioed through the shelf08
162Me relying on relaying BLE?08
157My WiFi101 library port08
156My Git/GitHub/GitLab notes05
154My Piggyback WiFi1500 sliceCARD07
153My PicoScope notes05 (oscilloscope)
151My single-board boards and why notes05
143My xCORE-200 eXplorerKIT notes (WiFi)07
141xC is C plus x (Also library, libraries)06 (forever in work)
140MC/DC is not either a rock band nor current type05
139Swift concurrency(?)05
138Determined about buffers and bit arrays?07
136if ret val 0 is ok then -1 is error else if ret val 0 is error then 1 is ok05
135Towards a taxonomy of CSP-based systems08 (forever in work)
134Dampening iMac fan noise02 (but good for a 10?)
133Including an OS07 (about IncludeOS)
128Timing out design by contract with a stopwatch07
126Technical debt vs. technical deposit06
125Timeouts and antiresonance stop07
122My SafeRTOS notes06
120“The Go Programming Language” by Donovan & Kernighan06 (Go, Golang)
114JavaScript tree becoming concurrent?06 (discussion only)
113Go(-lang) forums matters06 (Go, Golang, golang-nuts, golang-dev)
109Know your timer's type07
108Two CPA 2015 fringe presentations06
107Hard real-time07
105Perturbing concurrent processes07
102Spin-and-burn loop leveling05
101My BitScope notes03 (oscilloscope)
100A scope to fulfill05 (oscilloscope)
099ExtraPuTTY's extras01
098My XMOS notes06
097Connecting protocols06
096What, a square hole in the hull! None round? (About RRCA etc.)07
095Churchills elektroniske hemmelighet (reprint of a 1996 article about Alan Turing)03 (in Norwegian)
093How much concurrency? 06
092Not so blocking after all (and a conditional admission)07
091 To reset a plane
090Atomic for all?06
Go-style concurrency (at embedded.TRD 26March2014)
05 (Go, Golang)
084CSP on Node.js and ClojureScript by JavaScript07
081Rich interface component modeling
079WYSIWYG semantics06
078HTML5 and concurrency05
rtx-51 (1988) and JavaScript(?)05
rtx-51 (1988)05 Autronica (RX51)
077A reactive manifest
05 Reactive, asynchronous
076Radiobyggboken, about a book from 1965
03 (in Norwegian) (oscilloscope)
075Eventual concurrency05
074Block play for blockers
072Pike & Sutter: Concurrency vs. Concurrency07 (Go, Golang)
066IEC 61508 and concurrency04
065IEC 61508 and programming paradigms
063Becoming textual: attempting to model ‘XCHAN’ with CSPm03 Lecture for exam at NTNU
062Waiting faster06
060Wishes for a folding editor
059Some macOS / OSX notes03 (macOS, Apple, Parallels, Windows, Microsoft)
058Trust me, it's safe
057FDR2 notes06 (Formally proven with CSPm and FDR)
056Some questions about SDL 07
050Sound on sound and picture?
049Nondeterminism or non-determinism05 (Also Go, golang). Fair, fairness, blocking, ALT amd select
047Priority select in Go05 (Go, Golang, golang-nuts)
Designer's notes - 18 notes05
Older blog notes05
035Channels and rendezvous vs. safety-critical systems - about the
Ada Ravenscar Profile (The Jorvik Profile is also mentioned)
021The problems with threads - about Edward A. Lee's paper07
018A scheduler is not as transparent as I thought07
016Cooperative scheduling in ANSI-C and process body software quality metrics
When STPTH Static Path Count and
STCYC Cyclomatic Complexity are no good metrics
009The "knock-come" deadlock free pattern09 (Formally proven with Promela and SPIN)
Publications, lectures, articles etc.10
Patent, work and about8


These blogs are «mine», but I try to spice them with other people’s opinion as expressed to me, most often if people do reply to a mail. If so, I always ask for permission.

The more I blog the more I realise that I am not a computer scientist, and the more I understand why computer scientists in the academia don’t seem to blog. So who should blog then other than the not-know-everything and wanting-to-know-more coder (with a somewhat different background)? As I learn more then some older blogs may be seen from a different angle (more like.. your angle?). Some times I edit those, most times not. But please mail me when you find something completely lost! There is no money involved, no ads, so thank you! The blog notes are more or less stream of consciousness mind exercises – they do not constitute a text book! One more thing: the editing process is quite public, so if the start date is recent I probably am not finished!