Site Archives
Archives (alpha: wp_get_archives)
All pages (menu_order, post_title: wp_list_pages)
- Sider
- «Drømmetur med en krokodille» – bare tekst
- [[TODO]]
- Early notes
- ETC.
- Den tomme barnevogna
- Det tomme pizzasausspannet
- Eggekartong i to etasjer
- En museumssamlings 125-årsjubileum. Kuratert av 125 personer
- Et strippet og ombygd voltmeter
- Far og datter. Om enda et foto
- Hvem giftet Liten Kirsten stalldreng seg med?
- Hvilken aldersgrense har et bilde med en mor som leier gutten sin i den ene hånda mens han har en ballong i den andre?
- Jeg tenker på han som holdt seg fast
- Leiebil
- Mindre lys på en, to jule-tre!
- One of them just could have been mine
- SanGimignano1300
- Side 115
- Småbilene
- To tell a mystery
- A bluish cupboard
- A shelf unit from stacked IKEA “Nissafors” utility carts
- Chest of swingable drawers
- DIY handbag hanger strap
- Floating wall cabinet with curved back
- Gjenbruk av materialer fra vevstoler
- Jewelry box
- Jewelry box
- Jewelry box
- Keeping a closet door open
- LEDuncle stand lamp
- Many-faced cabinet
- More laundry room furniture
- My aquarium holiday automatic fish feeder (for granules)
- My aquarium notes
- My cube and infinite loop decoration
- My IKEA «Alex» desk’s new table top
- My soft pill holder
- My some leftover furniture notes
- My Stelton EM77 vacuum jug cap ball hack
- Office desk, shelves and folding doors
- Protecting my laptop’s cable in a snap
- Roof floor LED list lamp
- Soap dish
- Thin material wooden cabinet with floppy doors
- Wall cabinet with 45 deg corners
- Workshop roof lamp with standing bulbs
- Just started refs
- A-Class photo shoot?
- All trains to stop (even models)
- All Trains to Stop (the book)
- Connecting catenary wires?
- Kondensatorer mot spenningshumper
- Krokodilleturen
- Late Alberto de Oliveira’s models
- MJ-bladet 4 2024 «Drømmetur med en krokodille»
- Modelljernbanesider (også tog generelt)
- My «Day’s End» by Jane Hart reflection
- My «Im taking an early holiday cos i know summer comes soonest in the south» note
- My album of model railway photos
- My BRAWA 0571 BLS Te 2/3
- My canal house miniatures
- My Crocodile locomotive pages
- My Fine Models E71 scale 1 model
- My Fleischmann 396071 DR-Baureihe E 60
- My Krokis notes
- My Lego 12077 crocodile notes
- My Lisbon tram 28 diorama
- My Märklin 37294 DB Class 191 electric locomotive
- My SBB Ce 6/8 III Crocodile pages
- My sharp curve wye switch..
- NMJ derailments
- Railway modelling scratchpad
- Roco 78494 ÖBB Class 1245 (527-5)
- SBB Ae 3/6 II (1:45 by model rail ag)
- SBB Ae 3/6 II (at Galleria Baumgartner)
- SBB Ae 3/6 II (H0 brass by Lemaco)
- SBB Ae 3/6 II (H0)
- SBB Ae 3/6 II (Spring-loaded Lemaco model)
- SBB Ae 3/6 II (Z scale by Märklin)
- SBB Ae 3/6 II revision dates?
- SBB Historic: Schaltplan – two circuit diagrams of the Ce 6/8 III crocodile
- Små krokodille-historier
- Små Krokodille-historier (bare tekst)
- Trip Trap modelhuse
- MODELS (this page to be removed)
- My aquarium notes
- My Beep-BRRR pages
- My e-fun notes (electronics fun)
- New
- Nøkkelversene
- Å kjenne nesten ingen ting
- Å legge merke til andre ting
- Å lirke dose
- Bombet
- Buksene
- En kamerat ringte
- En ting til
- For ett hundre dager siden
- Hele meg
- Innesandalene
- Jeg får se
- Jeg vet ikke hvor
- Kanskje neste gang?
- Kjenne etter ingen venn
- Normalene
- Nøkkelverset
- Nye tanker
- Putekanten
- Slapphet
- Som det oppleves
- Toppen for kroppen
- Uten tittel
- Older blog notes
- Øyvind Teig
- Privacy Policy
- Site Archives
- Site archives (ordered)
- Technology
- «The Go Programming Language» by Donovan & Kernighan
- «Waiting faster»
- A LED string dissected
- A reactive manifest
- A scope to fulfill
- Adapting without a button battery
- An encounter with AI-powered Cursor text editor and XC
- Aquarium
- Around the Swiss railway clock
- Atomic for all?
- Beep-BRRR using smart home to extend its functionality
- Block play for blockers
- C plus lib_xcore black-boxes xC
- Channel structures
- Channels and rendezvous vs. safety-critical systems
- Churchills elektroniske hemmelighet
- Connecting protocols
- Cooperative scheduling in ANSI-C and process body software quality metrics
- CPA 2018 fringe
- Cross-site tracking
- CSP on Node.js and ClojureScript by JavaScript
- Dampening iMac fan noise
- Determined about buffers and bit arrays?
- Embedded threads in par for you?
- Eventual concurrency
- ExtraPuTTY’s extras
- Fault injection detection
- FDR2 notes
- Fully charging hearing aids from (stubborn) power banks
- Go code examples
- Go(-lang) forums matters
- Hard real-time
- How much concurrency?
- HTML5 and concurrency
- IEC 61508 and (safe?) concurrency
- IEC 61508 and programming paradigms
- IEEE-COPA 2021 fringe
- Including an OS
- JavaScript tree becoming concurrent?
- Know your timer’s type
- kode24
- Lecture NTNU
- MC/DC is not either a rock band nor a current type
- Me relying on relaying BLE?
- My aquarium’s data radioed through the shelf
- My audio automatic gain control sw driver (AGC) notes
- My Beep-BRRR notes
- My Beep-BRRR notes (some log & movies)
- My BitScope notes
- My button presses vs bounce vs EMI notes
- My embedded RTOS notes
- My FPGA notes
- My FPGA pages
- My fritzing notes
- My Git/GitHub/GitLab notes
- My IceCore notes
- My iCircuit notes
- My IoT box(?)
- My KiCad notes
- My leaf of comfort – SW / HW that cannot turn against us?
- My lexical attempt at xC
- My materials science notes
- My MEMS microphones notes etc.
- My missing smart home connection
- My PicoScope notes
- My Piggyback WiFi1500 sliceCARD
- My Pokit scope(s)
- My processor-to-analogue audio equaliser notes
- My Rust programming language notes
- My SafeRTOS notes
- My SIGLENT scope log
- My single-board boards and why notes
- My subwoofer notes
- My technological aside digressions
- My USB watchdog (and relay output) box
- My WiFi101 library port
- My xC code downloads page
- My xC combined combinable notes
- My xC softblinking PWM notes
- My xCORE-200 eXplorerKIT notes (WiFi)
- My XMOS notes
- My XMOS XTC Tools notepad
- My Zephyr RTOS notes
- Nondeterminism
- Not so blocking after all
- Notes from the vault – 0x01 – Analog-to-digital converters (ADC)
- Notes from the vault – 0x02 – Transputers
- Notes from the vault – 0x03 – Two early Autronica VLSI chips
- Notes from the vault – 0x04 – Δ tillegg til norsk ultralydhistorie
- Notes from the vault – 0x05 – RTX-51, an embedded scheduler
- Perturbing concurrent processes
- Pike & Sutter: Concurrency vs. Concurrency
- Priority select in Go
- Radiobyggboken
- Rich interface component modeling
- Some macOS / OSX notes
- Some questions about SDL
- Sound on sound and picture?
- Spin-and-burn loop leveling
- Swift concurrency(?)
- Technical debt vs. technical deposit
- Timeouts and antiresonance(?) stop
- Timing out design by contract with a stopwatch
- To reset a plane
- Towards a taxonomy(?) of CSP-based systems
- Transputer TRAM (was: boards for sale)
- Trust me, it’s safe
- Two CPA 2015 fringe presentations
- Used for sale: USB scopes
- What, a square hole in the hull! None round?
- Wishes for a folding editor
- WYSIWYG semantics
- xC code examples
- xC is C plus x
- XCHANs: Notes on a New Channel Type
- XMOS FreeRTOS port
- XMOS xcore RISC-V
- Channelling through XCORE processors
- Testing ‘goto anchor’
- Wikipedia