IEC 61508 and (safe?) concurrency

25 April 2013 (last edit 21June2013) This page is in group Technology. Background Concurrency on Wikipedia or [3]. This note is a branch from 065. 035, 023 are perhaps also relevant. My XCHAN paper is a contribution to making concurrency easier, trying to merge the how SDL and CSP may view communication (Also discussed in 056). If you checked the references […]

Lecture NTNU

«Becoming textual: attempting to model ‘XCHAN’ with CSPm» «Using FDR2 and ProBE tools when state-ing is not enough» This page is in group Technology. By Øyvind Teig, Autronica Fire and Security. Original 15April2013, updated August2013 Delivered as exam lecture for «TK8112 – The Theory of Concurrency in Real-Time Systems» All original lecture material: It’s not […]

«Waiting faster»

Published 7April2013, updated 23Aug2013 (09Oct2023, marking colouring) This page is in group Technology. First, the epilogue.. This blog note spurred a paper «Selective choice ‘feathering’ with XCHANs» that I had accepted for CPA-2013. It’s at [4] to read, but you might perhaps read this blog note first. It’s probably a prerequisition. Blog note This note is […]

Some macOS / OSX notes

Started 5Jan2013, updated 18Feb2023 (XFLASH from Terminal). This page is in group Technology. Disclaimers This «Mac OS X», «OSX», «OS X» or soon to be «macOS» again blog note – will mention concrete products and manufacturers. There is no money involved with this, I just happen to have learned something about them that I think is ok […]

FDR2 notes

Published 3Jan2013, updated 20Nov2018 This page is in group Technology. In this blog I will jot down some experience with installation and use of the FDR2 tool [1] which analyses CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes) specifications [5]. My experience is that I try to avoid Unix, OSX, Terminal and bash scripting. But here is my last journey into it. Important notice about […]

Some questions about SDL

This page is in group Technology. History 3jan2013 initial, without comments 14Mar2013: Comments #1. Rolv Bræk 2July2013: [1.B] and [12] are new 20Jan2014, inserted [13] 28Sept2016, inserted Notes on SDL runtimes 11Oct2023, Telox mentioned Intro I hope that somebody from the SDL (Specification and Description Language) community [1],[3] will find these points interesting to reflect […]


Published 31Dec2012, updated 30Nov2021 This page is in groups Technology, My Go (golang) notes and My XMOS pages. This blog note has been moved from I have written a little about nondeterminism before [1], [2]. [1] is about Ada and the Ravenscar Profile for safety-critical systems. The newer note IEC 61508 and (safe?) concurrency also covers the matter somewhat. Observe that (non)determinsm […]


Also see Google Scholar «Øyvind Teig» here About These blogs are «mine», but I try to spice them with other people’s opinion as expressed to me, most often if people do reply to a mail. If so, I always ask for permission. The more I blog the more I realise that I am not a computer scientist, and […]