A reactive manifest

New: 10Nov2013, updated 22Feb2024 (Some moved to 254:[] typos, plus added some). This page is in group Technology. This note on the Internet Archive‘s Wayback Machine: A reactive manifest Disclaimer Whether this note manifests itself as a manifest, remains to be manifested. Background I will in this blog try to critically analyse The Reactive Manifesto [1]. The […]

Eventual concurrency

Started 12Sep2013, finished 19Sep2013. Updated 28Jan2014 This page is in group Technology. Intro In this blog page I will try to understand how so-called «single threaded» software architectures based on «event-loop concurrency» and callbacks (where mostly all blocking is «evil»), differs from light-weight processes that communicate using channels  (where any needed non-blocking is built explicitly (or by […]

Block play for blockers

1Sep2013 – updated 19Feb2015 This page is in group Technology. This is a small contribution for software programmers who do concurrent programming. It is a naïve follow-up from a previous blog note: Pike & Sutter: Concurrency vs. Concurrency, meant to install a gut feeling of when blocking is not evil. Looking back I have discovered some milestones […]

IEC 61508 and programming paradigms

Jan2012, updated 08Nov2023 (PX5) This page is in group Technology. Also see Standard disclaimer Scratchpad 1 I plan to scribble on this note to discuss some, in my opinion, peculiar aspects of the IEC 61508 functional safety-critical standard. I will only discuss process safe (or thread safe) programming in IEC 61508 context. Is the IEC 61508 end user safe in this […]

Some questions about SDL

This page is in group Technology. History 3jan2013 initial, without comments 14Mar2013: Comments #1. Rolv Bræk 2July2013: [1.B] and [12] are new 20Jan2014, inserted [13] 28Sept2016, inserted Notes on SDL runtimes 11Oct2023, Telox mentioned Intro I hope that somebody from the SDL (Specification and Description Language) community [1],[3] will find these points interesting to reflect […]


Also see Google Scholar «Øyvind Teig» here About These blogs are «mine», but I try to spice them with other people’s opinion as expressed to me, most often if people do reply to a mail. If so, I always ask for permission. The more I blog the more I realise that I am not a computer scientist, and […]

Priority select in Go

Published Sept2012, updated 9May2021 This page is in groups Technology and My Go (golang) notes. Intro After I had done most of this blog note I started a thread in golang-nuts, also called «Priority select in Go» pointing back to this page, see [7]. It grew quite long. Log-on is required. There also was an earlier thread […]