My SafeRTOS notes

There is a nice series of development boards by ST called STM32 MCU Nucleo (here [1]), based on an ARM. One of these appeared on a table near me. They guy who had it said that «they also tell about a free operating system». It happened to be FreeRTOS™ (here [2]) by Real Time Engineers Ltd on [3]. I eagerly looked it up and was fast pointed to WITTENSTEIN HighIntegritySystems (by The WITTENSTEIN Group) here [4]. They do SafeRTOS, so I downloaded its manual here [5]. This is a IEC 61508 (here [6]) approved RTOS. Since I work with safety critical systems (and have some blog notes here covering some aspects of 61508, like in note 065 [7]) I started to read. It spurred some questions.

Go(-lang) forums matters

New Oct2015, updated 15May2021. This note is in groups Technology and My Go (golang) notes. I think it’s fair to copy my own comments at Go Forum in this note. I would also do newer golang-nuts and golang-dev matters that I have taken part in. The latter forums I won’t backlog. You will have to go there to read […]

Know your timer’s type

New 27Feb2012, moved from 041 4Sept2015. Updated 24Sept2018 This page is in group Technology and is a note showing how you might implement a timer system better with correct typing. It assumes that you’re a systems programmer and understands that the system timer is the fastest you get at this level, since it’s incremented on every system timer/clock […]

Spin-and-burn loop leveling

22May2015, updated 4June2017 This page is in group Technology and is a note about how an embedded controller might favourably spin to burn cycles. It describes an exception. I have used the word spin rather than block here even if it is an example of rather red blocking in the earlier note Not so blocking after all. I have been trying to make […]

A scope to fulfill

Started 1May2015. Updated 12Jul2024 (FNIRSI). See my standard disclaimer. Intro For a small private project I have tried the best of the scrapped scopes I brought home from work, but the 1997 model Fluke PM3380A didn’t pass its own diagnose procedure. The amplitude of channel 1 changed when I pushed the curve up. And the old Philips […]

My XMOS notes

Started 18Feb2015, updated 27Oct2021 (MIPI) – Plus a short update 31May2023 («NumPages» for .xe file for 14.4.1) This page is in group Technology (plus My XMOS pages) and is a blog note about my experience with the XMOS toolset xTIMEcomposer and XMOS HW and how I am going to use used the startKIT to control a small 40 litre […]

Not so blocking after all

Started 8Sept2014, updated 9Sep2020 (User forums). This page is in group Technology and is about a facet of multi-threaded (or perhaps single-threaded) programming After having heard so often that «blocking is evil» and that it’s kind of the opposite – a necessary side of life –  I have finally unblocked on the semantics. It’s both. And neither. If so, I’d have […]

Atomic for all?

Started at Caffè Nero at Blackwell’s in Oxford on 24Aug2014, updated 17Sept2014. 22Oct2023: typos fixed. This page is in group Technology . (Update Oct2023: Observe that this note was written before I got acquainted with the XMOS xCore architecture and the xC language. TODO: I might one day make an addition for this.) Atomic is a […]

CSP on Node.js and ClojureScript by JavaScript

Started 26Feb2014, updated 11Apr2024 (ref [11] link), 20Sep2021 (PyCSP) This page is in group Technology Intro There are some implicit Wiki-refs at the bottom. These terms are be bold at first occasion. I want learn a little more on CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes), and from zero I want to learn about Node.js, Clojure, ClojureScript (all server side) and JavaScript (client […]

Rich interface component modeling

This page is in group Technology. Started work on this 1Feb2014, probably finished now (updated 7Jul2020 (table)) Intro In this note I will describe two articles about software components. The article «Component Models for Reasoning» (Seceleanu, Crnkovic) [01] and «Tool support for the rapid composition, analysis and implementation of reactive services» (Kraemer, Slåtten, Herrmann) [02]. […]