CSP on Node.js and ClojureScript by JavaScript

Started 26Feb2014, updated 11Apr2024 (ref [11] link), 20Sep2021 (PyCSP) This page is in group Technology Intro There are some implicit Wiki-refs at the bottom. These terms are be bold at first occasion. I want learn a little more on CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes), and from zero I want to learn about Node.js, Clojure, ClojureScript (all server side) and JavaScript (client […]

Rich interface component modeling

This page is in group Technology. Started work on this 1Feb2014, probably finished now (updated 7Jul2020 (table)) Intro In this note I will describe two articles about software components. The article «Component Models for Reasoning» (Seceleanu, Crnkovic) [01] and «Tool support for the rapid composition, analysis and implementation of reactive services» (Kraemer, Slåtten, Herrmann) [02]. […]

HTML5 and concurrency

New 4Dec2013, ready 08:09:10 11.12.13 (updated 15Mar2014) This page is in group Technology. Intro My starting point with this note was my surprise of the JavaScript «concurrency model» [01] – as described in HTLM5 [02] («WebAppAPIs»). I asked myself whether this «single-threaded» model had been influenced by the Model-View-Controller (MVC) [03]. Maybe, in any case […]

A reactive manifest

New: 10Nov2013, updated 22Feb2024 (Some moved to 254:[] typos, plus added some). This page is in group Technology. This note on the Internet Archive‘s Wayback Machine: A reactive manifest Disclaimer Whether this note manifests itself as a manifest, remains to be manifested. Background I will in this blog try to critically analyse The Reactive Manifesto [1]. The […]

Eventual concurrency

Started 12Sep2013, finished 19Sep2013. Updated 28Jan2014 This page is in group Technology. Intro In this blog page I will try to understand how so-called «single threaded» software architectures based on «event-loop concurrency» and callbacks (where mostly all blocking is «evil»), differs from light-weight processes that communicate using channels  (where any needed non-blocking is built explicitly (or by […]

Block play for blockers

1Sep2013 – updated 19Feb2015 This page is in group Technology. This is a small contribution for software programmers who do concurrent programming. It is a naïve follow-up from a previous blog note: Pike & Sutter: Concurrency vs. Concurrency, meant to install a gut feeling of when blocking is not evil. Looking back I have discovered some milestones […]

Pike & Sutter: Concurrency vs. Concurrency

New: 25July2013, updated 29Apr2024 This page is in groups Technology and My Go (golang) notes. Updates An aside on async/await 28Apr2024. Rob Pike, at GopherConAU 2023 gave a lecture called «What We Got Right, What We Got Wrong» (here). He talks about Go concurrency at 11.30. My point here is his aside on the increasingly popular async/await paradigm. […]

IEC 61508 and (safe?) concurrency

25 April 2013 (last edit 21June2013) This page is in group Technology. Background Concurrency on Wikipedia or [3]. This note is a branch from 065. 035, 023 are perhaps also relevant. My XCHAN paper is a contribution to making concurrency easier, trying to merge the how SDL and CSP may view communication (Also discussed in 056). If you checked the references […]

IEC 61508 and programming paradigms

Jan2012, updated 08Nov2023 (PX5) This page is in group Technology. Also see Standard disclaimer Scratchpad 1 I plan to scribble on this note to discuss some, in my opinion, peculiar aspects of the IEC 61508 functional safety-critical standard. I will only discuss process safe (or thread safe) programming in IEC 61508 context. Is the IEC 61508 end user safe in this […]

«Waiting faster»

Published 7April2013, updated 23Aug2013 (09Oct2023, marking colouring) This page is in group Technology. First, the epilogue.. This blog note spurred a paper «Selective choice ‘feathering’ with XCHANs» that I had accepted for CPA-2013. It’s at [4] to read, but you might perhaps read this blog note first. It’s probably a prerequisition. Blog note This note is […]