My Zephyr RTOS notes

Started 9Jul2019 as chapters being moved from other notes. Updated 25Sep2023 («A9 SoC on Xilinx») This page is in group Technology and is a blog note where I will try to keep a scratchpad of what I might find out about the Zephyr RTOS. Sharing Zephyr with others Because I was rather confused I have had help […]

My BRAWA 0571 BLS Te 2/3

This page is in group MODELS. Published 18June2019, updated 23Nov2020 (12.52) This note is about a small loco that fits well in with my other Swiss electric locomotives with rods – like the SBB Ae 3/6 II and the SBB Seetal crocodile De 6/6. Also this present locomotive was made at Schweizerischen Lokomotiv- und Maschinenfabrik (SLM) in Winterthur in the […]

My SIGLENT scope log

Started 30Jan2019. Updated 17Jan2022 ( 2022.01 Update) Newest log entries at the bottom. However, I will update points already written to fill in the gaps.  Therefore the themes would be coloured red. This is not a review, but a lab log of what I stumble upon. Standard disclaimer. I do this fo fun, that is […]

My aquarium notes

Started 24Jul2018 – updated 14Jan2023 (Algae and LED problem goodbye!) This page is in group Aquarium pages (plus My XMOS pages) and will become a blog note about my little aquarium. It has been two years since I introduced fishes now. For the TIOBE index 016:[10]: «xC programming». Fold handling of some tables This blog note […]

xC code examples

Started 2Feb2018, updated 13May2021 This page is in group Technology (plus My XMOS pages) and is a blog note with some XMOS xC code examples. I also have some ported code that I thought may be placed here. I also am describing some problems.  None of this is on GitHub. I guess that the parent note is xC […]

All Trains to Stop (the book)

Published 12Nov2017, updated 21Oct2022 This page is in group MODELS Disclaimer My standard disclaimer says  that this is just for fun. There is no money, no gifts, no ads etc. Also, I have no association with any of the companies mentioned here. Copyright issues Formally spoken I am not allowed to scan and publish the below Steeneken […]

SBB Ae 3/6 II (at Galleria Baumgartner)

This page is in group MODELS. Published 10July2017, updated 1Mar2018 This note shows some pictures I was kindly allowed to shoot of the gauge ‘1’ model (scale 1/32) by Bockholt and the gauge ‘O’ model (scale 1/43.5) by Metrop at Galleria Baumgartner in Mendrisio in Switzerland in June 2017. I was given permission to publish the pictures […]

MC/DC is not either a rock band nor a current type

New: 23Feb2017, updated 23Sep2021 This page is in group Technology. Intro I have recently read myself up some on code coverage analysis. I have discovered something called MC/DC which stands for Modified Condition/Decision Coverage. Here’s an example of some of the different parts of code that need to be tested for coverage (from [1]): if (Entree […]

Towards a taxonomy(?) of CSP-based systems

New: 12Oct2016. Last updated 25Aug2021 This page is in group Technology. This note started with an attempt to look at how channels are modelled (in code, really) but then ended up with trying to systemise what I found. The note was even called Channel structures at the start. Fold handling with Collapse-O-Matic plugin I am using Collape-O-Matic (here) […]