My materials science notes

Started 13Dec2019. Updated 26Feb2023. I am a happy materials science amateur. It is a very interesting theme: to tell about my experiences with different materials. However, it remains to be seen how this note ends. Observe Standard disclaimer since I mention companies and products here. Alphabetical list A Acrylic boxes (or acrylics or polyacrylates) is a […]

My XMOS pages

My audio automatic gain control sw driver (AGC) notes – Feb2024 My MEMS microphones notes – Feb2023 XMOS xcore RISC-V – Dec2022 My Beep-BRRR notes – blogging hiatus at the moment, but new movies (Jan2023) My XMOS XTC Tools notepad – Version «XTC 15.x.y»..or XTC 0.5 (?) C plus lib_xcore black-boxes xC (13May2021) Paradigm shift: C plus lib_xcore for xC! My […]

My IoT box(?)

Started 7Jul2019, updated 14Dec2022 («RISC-V») This page is in group Technology and is a blog note where I will try to find out how to have my aquarium’s temperature coming from an IoT box. Hopefully a box. Alternatively but less of IoT data via Apache on my iMac. Intro The XMOS startKIT was and the XCore-200 eXplorerKIT […]

My USB watchdog (and relay output) box

New 5May2019, updated 8Sep2019 This note is in group Technology (plus My XMOS pages and Aquarium pages) describes my only real invention this year: a USB 5V in and USB 5V out, where the 5V out will only be kept as long as a built-in watchdog timer is fed with an edge of a signal from an […]

My embedded RTOS notes

Started 8Jan2019, updated 9Nov2021 (Timed C) This page is in group Technology and is a blog note where I will try to have a fresh view (as of 2019) of what might be going on with concurrency and Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) in the small embedded systems world. Here I would think mostly of what might run […]

My subwoofer notes

Started 13June2018, updated 02Nov2023 (Søren with photo next to the final solution) This page is in group Technology and is a blog note about my experience with two subwoofers. One had trafo and membrane hum, the other magnetic induced iron hum. (I have some other audio blog notes. Like My processor-to-analogue audio equaliser notes, My Beep-BRRR notes / […]

xC code examples

Started 2Feb2018, updated 13May2021 This page is in group Technology (plus My XMOS pages) and is a blog note with some XMOS xC code examples. I also have some ported code that I thought may be placed here. I also am describing some problems.  None of this is on GitHub. I guess that the parent note is xC […]

Me relying on relaying BLE?

Started 7Dec2017. Concluded 23Dec2017 This page is in group Technology (plus My XMOS pages) and is a blog note where I will discuss the route ahead. Should I do the My WiFi101 library port as I promised myself to try, or should I add a second box that I talk with over BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)? Conclusion 23Dec2017: I did neither; […]

My WiFi101 library port

Started 1Nov2017. Updated 8Jan2019 (See Zephyr operating system). In work This page is in group Technology (plus My XMOS pages) and is a blog note where I will try to work myself through.. ..having run the Arduino WiFi101 library on an Adafruit Feather ARM M0 basic proto board, a variant of the Arduino Zero using a WiFi board that […]

My Piggyback WiFi1500 sliceCARD

Started 6Oct2017. Udated 10Aug2018 This page is in group Technology (plus My XMOS pages) and is a blog note where I will try to describe a WiFi card (that I call PiggyBack WiFi1500 sliceCARD) that is meant to replace another WiFi board (XMOS WiFi sliceCARD) and be a pin plug-in replacement, meant for the two XMOS boards startKIT and […]