My xC combined combinable notes

Started 16Feb2021 – updated 20Apr2021 – about finished. This note is in group Technology (plus My XMOS pages). For the TIOBE index 016:[10]: «xC programming». Observe that [[combinable]], as well as [[combine]] are xC keywords. Combined, as in the title, is not. I assume that much of xC’s terms are known. Fold handling with Collapse-O-Matic […]

Notes from the vault – 0x02 – Transputers

Part of group NOTES FROM THE VAULT. Started 3Oct2020. Updated 16Aug2022 Transputers – Why are you disposing of all this hardware? 6Oct2020, V1.5 Which hardware? This. One of the prospective buyers asked me that question. Why am I disposing of all this hardware? I had saved these transputer TRAM boards from becoming e-waste some twenty years […]


In English Updated 05Oct2023. Newest on top of the lists: Publications & lectures IEEE-COPA 2021 Fringe presentation with Dr. Lawrence John Dickson (Larry): Torus heat equations to get dizzy from. Hooping with xC Dec.2020 IEEE life members newsletter: «Lucky Strike with Missing Bytes« CPA-2018 CPA 2018 fringe presentation CPA-2016 CPA 2016 fringe presentation CPA-2015 Two CPA […]

My xC softblinking PWM notes

Started 28Jun2020. 11Jul2023 (typo). 26Feb2022 (Looking through a fidget spinner) This note is in group Technology (plus My XMOS pages). Standard disclaimer. Even if my writing style is stream of consciousness I hope that it’s possible to read this note from the top. There also is a PWM-related page at Et strippet og ombygd voltmeter (Summary […]


List of all ALL TECHNOLOGY NOTES Aside: busy with IEEE COPA 2024 PART I – July 8-10, 2024 (Virtual conference) Groups My Beep-BRRR pages My aquarium notes My XMOS pages NOTES FROM THE VAULT My Go (golang) notes My e-fun notes (electronics fun) My FPGA pages Related SBB Historic: Schaltplan – two circuit diagrams of […]

XMOS FreeRTOS port

Started 6Feb2020. Updated 31Oct2021 This note is in group Technology (plus My XMOS pages) and is meant to track what is happening on the XMOS pages about their FreeRTOS port Also see My SafeRTOS notes Derivations The source code, of f.ex. tasks.c (here) tells me that this is an Amazon derivation, even if it says […]

My Zephyr RTOS notes

Started 9Jul2019 as chapters being moved from other notes. Updated 25Sep2023 («A9 SoC on Xilinx») This page is in group Technology and is a blog note where I will try to keep a scratchpad of what I might find out about the Zephyr RTOS. Sharing Zephyr with others Because I was rather confused I have had help […]

My embedded RTOS notes

Started 8Jan2019, updated 9Nov2021 (Timed C) This page is in group Technology and is a blog note where I will try to have a fresh view (as of 2019) of what might be going on with concurrency and Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) in the small embedded systems world. Here I would think mostly of what might run […]

CPA 2018 fringe

New 15Aug2018,updated 7Oct2022 This note is in group Technology (plus My XMOS pages). Also see «the next» Fringe, filled with the same theme: IEEE-COPA 2021 fringe. For the TIOBE index 016:[10]: «xC programming». Also see IEEE-COPA 2021 fringe The presentation This presentation is for the CPA 2018 conference in Dresden (Update 6Oct2022: dead url (but Wayback Machine here), the only […]