All trains to stop (even models)

Published 23Oct2017, updated 12Nov2107
This page is in group MODELS

All trains to stop (the book)

I also have a note with a picture from Hans Steeneken’s book All Trains to Stop (1979) here.

Märklin models 3003 and 3048 from ca. 1960 have almost stopped

When I needed more bumpers for my layout (well, layout and layout, have a look yourself here) I announced in a Norwegian internet shop and there was a guy just fifteen minutes drive from here who had some. When I met him it turned out he was about five years younger than me. So when he was about five then, his father who was «at the sea» came home some time each year and he had bought Märklin for his youngster. He had loved the models, and they had survived.

Märklin 3003 (around 1960) of DRG Class 24 #24058. Photo: Øyvind Teig (2017) (Press for fullpixel)

He must have been in tidying up mode, so he insisted that I took the whole box that was left. More track than I needed, some wagons that I didn’t need (except for a couple, that I brought to my heart) and two stain locos. I had friends who had these when I was ten; did I envy them!

Märklin 3048 (around 1960) of DRG Class 01 #01097. Photo: Øyvind Teig (2017) (Press for fullpixel)

But these models didn’t have a story I could tell. They had their own story. I have my own small collection of analogue Märklin, and these didn’t fit in. With my own models there is a story to each. With these I could tell his story. Plus, I do have the catalogue from that time. 3003 cost 87 NOK in 1961/62 and 4048 cost 164 NOK. That’s 11 USD and 20 USD. Both locos are wrecks. But the engines run. 3003 doesn’t have a working slider, but 3048 actually runs on the tracks.

But then, all trains will stop at some place. Or, as a second life, be in a museum or sit on a shelf?

I sold them at here in Norway. Ten people wanted them!

Aside: These pictures have been shot as «post focus» with Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ100, and I have assembled each of them from several full-pixel pictures from a movie that’s being made by the camera. I have described this in SBB Ae 3/6 II (Z scale by Märklin).

Summary in Norwegian: Jeg selger Märklin 3003 for 87 NOK og Märkin 3048 for 164 NOK. Pluss frakt. Det var prisen for dem i 1961! Dette er delelokomotiver. Motorene går, men 3003 har ikke slepesko. Se annonsen på (23.okt.2017). Åtte ønsket å kjøpe, men førstemann fikk tilslaget.


Wikipedia: DRG Class 24, DRG Class 01

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