DIY handbag hanger strap

Started 25Oct2024. Updated 27Oct2024 (Norwegian). In group HOBBY. Short URL to this here.

Do this yourself

(English) This is a hook that you can make yourself by getting hold of two key rings (or better yet, rings) and a ribbon. The smallest ring must be large enough to be passed through the largest. After a bit of sewing (perhaps with pliers) you have a good «hook» that is small enough to be used to hang your bag on the hook on the plane seat in front of you. And maybe there’s room to hang more there. So far I have not been told to put the bag under the front seat. (Alternatively find some suitable strap and clipse a keyring in the one end.)

I guess this note may be worth its while simply because I didn’t find any clear match on a net search. Should you however find one, I’d be happy to see a comment here, or just mail me, so that I can link it up.

I have many times been annoyed about not being able to hang up my purse on an airplane. Over some years this solution has matured. I now have space even on the smallest hook to fasten both my handbag and my jacket.

You need two keyrings and a strap (strop) plus some strong thread and a needle. Maybe you need a pair of pliers to help the needle through the material.

The smallest keyring must be large enough for the hook. 18 mm outer diameter has sufficed for me. The larger must be so large that the smaller can pass through it. Like at least 19 mm inner diameter, or perhaps 25 mm outer diameter.

Make the strip long enough, but not longer. 12 cm should suffice.

I have used this on several airplanes. In no case have I been asked to place the handbag under the seat in front of me. But I can’t guarantee that of course.

Be sure to put it back into your purse after use! It’s easy to lose since it’s not fastened to the bag.

Good luck!


PS Here is the strap that got me going. I found it in my box with such matters. No, I could not use it for my purpose. It wasn’t only too small, but useless. But then, what about making the rings’ sizes such that the one ring could fit or pass inside the other, and then make a kind of knot from it? This idea of course only appeared because I had indeed, for years, been testing out other ideas. My mind was indeed ready.
PPS I guess that real not openable rings might have been more suitable than keyrings. They wouldn’t risk to gradually open on high load.
PPPS If you find anything like this one, with sufficient strength and large enough rings, you could save yourself the sowing by just attaching an even larger enough ring on the one end. Voilà!

Veskekrok for fly

(Norwegian) Dette er en krok som du kan lage sjøl ved å få tak i to nøkkelringer (eller enda bedre, ringer) og et bånd. Den minste ringen må være stor nok til å kunne føres gjennom den største. Etter litt sying (kanskje med en tang) så har du en god «krok» som er liten nok til å kunne brukes til å henge opp veska di i kroken på flysetet foran deg. Og kanskje er det plass til å henge mer der, også. Jeg har hittil ikke fått beskjed om å legge veska under setet foran. Se bildene. (Alternativt finn en passende ferdig rem og fest en nøkkelring i den ene enden.) 


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