My soft pill holder

New 30Jan2023, updated 10Aug2023. This note is in group HOBBY.

Main: soft

If you need a soft pill capsule to keep in your shirt pocket, here’s my suggestion of a DIY reuse pill drug holder, medicine tablet capsule, medicine storage or pillbox. Or maybe even a tablet envelope? But it is not a pill organiser (here). I may have listed all the terms now, since I didn’t find a Wikipedia page covering what I thought would have been pillbox (which it is and isn’t (here)?).

The idea here I guess doesn’t need much of an explanation. Cut off the end of a used (see bottom picture) plastic tube with a history of containing some non poisonous contents, make a lid and bend it over. (See that picture, there is surprisingly much toothpaste in the backwaters of the tube.)

You may press the crease with your front teeth to get it folded all over. This will probably almost succeed.

This picture shows mine, which I have used for several years. On the photo it contains two of the large pills.

I have been surprised to learn how durable the plastic has shown up to be! (Update: after how many openings I don’t know (but yes, for years), but it was this one that had a round in the dish washer, I saw that it consisted of two layers of plastic. I don’t know what held them together, just adhesion or the welding at the edges. I didnt see any remains of glue.) My Zendium toothpaste tube (disclaimer) is made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic (Wikipedia and My materials science notes). This is printed on the tube (also bottom picture). (By the way, the box that the large pills come in is made of PE plastic, while the screw cap is made of PE-HD (also spelt PEHD or HDPE, ie. same stuff). I assume it’s because they need something softer for the threading inside the cap.)

And this photo shows the almost succeeded holder, which needs some natural pressing before it closes like my old one did, after some time.

I keep mine in my shirt pocket. I need to take a couple of my pills during the day.

I guess you need to take the idea further if you were to keep it in your bag or some place that isn’t as closed as a shirt pocket. At least if there isn’t a shirt pocket alike in there. Good luck!

Postscript: hard

These are hard pill boxes, in case you didn’t know. You find them in every antique shop. Don’t try at the chemist.

Very nice, very nice tin boxes – but bulkier to keep in my shirt pocket. They were made years ago for needles or styluses for phonographs (here). Or gramophone if you like.

These two are the reasons for me inventing this soft pill holder.

Especially the thinner, green one. But it’s not nice to wear and tear on these. They should be kept nice, like they had, for years. If I had taken a picture of them when they were new to me, I would have been embarrassed to compare them now.

And besides, I can’t even remember where I put all these shiny steel styluses.


In Norwegian. Dette er en pilleboks (pilleeske, pillekonvolutt). Det er ikke en dosett (her). Jeg har lagd den ved å klippe av en brukt tannpastatube av plastikk. Gjenbruk, rett og slett. De overlever fint den ydmykende behandlingen de får i siste del av brukbart liv (bilde her. Pluss, det er utrolig mye bra tannpasta i bakevja mot åpningen.) Etter en stund vil lokket brettes pent ned, men bruk gjerne fortennene for å lage pressen i toppen første gang. Den egner seg bra til å ha i skjortelomma, men nok ikke så bra til veska – om veska ikke har en liten skjortelomme inni da! Bilde nummer to viser den jeg har brukt i flere år. Den inneholdt to store tabletter da jeg tok bidet. Lykke til! (Blikkboksene ovenfor, som jeg fant i et par antikvitetsbutikker funker ok, men de er for harde til skjortelomma. Og de burde ikke slites istykker på den måten; de er alt for fine. Og hvor gjorde jeg av nålene av stål?)

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