Hard real-time

Started 25Aug2015, edited 21Aug2016 This page is in group Technology and is about a facet of multi-threaded concurrent programming where some seem to think that synchronous non-buffered channels and processes are incompatible with hard real-time systems and guaranteed deadlines. Over a beer the other night, but oh so serious, I heard a computer scientist challenge C. Liu and J. Layland’s […]

Embedded threads in par for you?

Started 25Oct2023, updated 30Oct2023. This will be is in group Technology if I think it would be might be worth it. At first I will try to list up relevant other blog notes or lectures I have done or presented over the years, those may have filled in the same points that I initially thought […]

My Pokit scope(s)

New 02Aug2023. Updated 19Jun2024 (where some doubt is cast). This note is about some individual scope channel devices which send their curves to a mobile app. This app runs on several platforms. «My Pokit scopes» as in plural, is this correct? Or should it be called «My Pokit scope»? So I changed it to «My […]


New 19Dec2022, updated 27Sep2023 (readability, I didn’t understand my own phrases, [2], [1], ChatGPT). In work. Read first but I suggest, don’t press the links. On any second read, you’re allowed to press the links. This note is my first reaction to the surprising and bold switch by XMOS, to let the xcore architecture run […]


For some years I was invited to present guest lectures in real-time programming at NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology). You can read them at Publications (mirror). Those years NTNU required me to have an «affiliated» web page. Since I have not done any guest lecture since 2019, these pages therefore went dead in Oct2021 (but […]

C plus lib_xcore black-boxes xC

← → Started 13May2021. Updated «after that». This note is in group Technology and My XMOS pages. It is about the XMOS tools paradigm shift with C and lib_xcore. C plus lib_xcore = xC Of course the below info makes me sad! For myself: I have enjoyed xC so much! But I am afraid, XMOS probably have […]

My Go (golang) notes

Up: TECH NOTES. Also see: Technology Older blog notes Some aspects of Go are also discussed throughout some other notes. But those in the below list are more to the point. I have tried to learn about how the Go designers built concurrency on the ideas of CSP. The notes are mostly «paper discussion»s, leaving me with […]

Older blog notes

Updated 11May2021 Up: Early notes Some of these notes are outdated and will not be updated (or even removed) 19May2021: this page was moved from 013 Overview. 046 – and up at https://www.teigfam.net/oyvind/home/ (technology overview there) A nodeterministic note about nondeterminsm – Moved to: 049 «Nondeterminism» Is (x < (x+1)) really always true? Scratching my head with their […]

My Beep-BRRR notes

New 02Apr2021. Updated 15Feb2024. This note is in group Technology, sub-group My Beep-BRRR pages. Last changes, newest on top, left: My audio automatic gain control sw driver (AGC) notes referenced Related notes Wavtones by Pigeon Typos Ref Implementation F («simplest possible») works Use of mic_samples_buff_t for split needs  ref [18], not [8] XMOS libraries iOS sound recording has […]