Swift concurrency(?)

New 12Jan2017, updated 2Apr2019 Intro In this note I will try to track what’s happening with Swift and concurrency. I already have mentioned Swift some (https://www.teigfam.net/oyvind/home/?s=Swift) and I won’t repeat here – only to say that there per se, at the moment, is no concurrency support in the language. Swift 3 users are supposed to use […]

How much concurrency?

Started 29Oct2014, updated 1Sept2015 (then a small chapter on XMOS 12Nov2021) This page is in group Technology and is about a facet of multi-threaded concurrent programming where it’s an important matter that more or less independent sw-processes shall not make running difficult for the others. Intro During my previous blog notes, especially «Not so blocking after all» I […]

HTML5 and concurrency

New 4Dec2013, ready 08:09:10 11.12.13 (updated 15Mar2014) This page is in group Technology. Intro My starting point with this note was my surprise of the JavaScript «concurrency model» [01] – as described in HTLM5 [02] («WebAppAPIs»). I asked myself whether this «single-threaded» model had been influenced by the Model-View-Controller (MVC) [03]. Maybe, in any case […]

Eventual concurrency

Started 12Sep2013, finished 19Sep2013. Updated 28Jan2014 This page is in group Technology. Intro In this blog page I will try to understand how so-called «single threaded» software architectures based on «event-loop concurrency» and callbacks (where mostly all blocking is «evil»), differs from light-weight processes that communicate using channels  (where any needed non-blocking is built explicitly (or by […]

Pike & Sutter: Concurrency vs. Concurrency

New: 25July2013, updated 29Apr2024 This page is in groups Technology and My Go (golang) notes. Updates An aside on async/await 28Apr2024. Rob Pike, at GopherConAU 2023 gave a lecture called «What We Got Right, What We Got Wrong» (here). He talks about Go concurrency at 11.30. My point here is his aside on the increasingly popular async/await paradigm. […]

IEC 61508 and (safe?) concurrency

25 April 2013 (last edit 21June2013) This page is in group Technology. Background Concurrency on Wikipedia or [3]. This note is a branch from 065. 035, 023 are perhaps also relevant. My XCHAN paper is a contribution to making concurrency easier, trying to merge the how SDL and CSP may view communication (Also discussed in 056). If you checked the references […]

My Rust programming language notes

New: New 29Apr2024. Updated 09May2024. In work. This page is in group Technology That Rust doesn’t, but this Rust won’t rust, right? «Rust has been said to be named after a particularly robust type of fungi that is “over-engineered for survival” according to Hoare.» from [1]. «Rust began as a personal project in 2006 by […]


New 19Dec2022, updated 27Sep2023 (readability, I didn’t understand my own phrases, [2], [1], ChatGPT). In work. Read first but I suggest, don’t press the links. On any second read, you’re allowed to press the links. This note is my first reaction to the surprising and bold switch by XMOS, to let the xcore architecture run […]

My XMOS XTC Tools notepad

← → Started 14May2021. Updated 27Sep2023 (Search for that date. «Big Sur» and «RISC-V») xTIMEcomposer + new machine = ok is in group Technology and My XMOS pages This is structured as a log: newest at the bottom. Install on macOS Documentation of 15.0.6: https://www.xmos.ai/documentation/XM-014363-PC-4/html/tools-guide/install-configure/getting-started.html#get-started System requirements Aside: OS X / macOS: Yosemite, El Capitan (OS X 10.11), […]