My aquarium notes

My aquarium notes My USB watchdog (and relay output) box My aquarium holiday automatic fish feeder (for granules) My aquarium’s data radioed through the shelf kode24 – about the project and the XC programming language (NO)


Water temp deg C: Uptime hours: Here’s the code: <form>Water temp deg C: <input name=»temp_degc» type=»text» /> Uptime hours: <input name=»uptime_hours» type=»text» /></form> See f.ex. See html “input” field “update” from my home machine (or similar)? on the forum

My aquarium notes

Started 24Jul2018 – updated 14Jan2023 (Algae and LED problem goodbye!) This page is in group Aquarium pages (plus My XMOS pages) and will become a blog note about my little aquarium. It has been two years since I introduced fishes now. For the TIOBE index 016:[10]: «xC programming». Fold handling of some tables This blog note […]

My aquarium’s data radioed through the shelf

Started 23Dec2017. Updated 2Dec2020 This page is in group Technology (plus My XMOS pages) and Aquarium pages. The My WiFi101 library port or an Ethernet based web server was not implemented following this work. I also did not use the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) suggestion as discussed in Me relying on relaying BLE? I went for the simpler (?) packet radio […]

My Beep-BRRR pages

 CHRONOLOGICALLY Newest here: 255 My missing smart home connection – and some about some Plejd products 253 My audio automatic gain control sw driver (AGC) notes – Is a little about the Beep-BRR2 in general, and how I implemented AGC on the mic input, in order to try to «hear» better through a closed door 243 My MEMS microphones […]

My Pokit scope(s)

New 02Aug2023. Updated 19Jun2024 (where some doubt is cast). This note is about some individual scope channel devices which send their curves to a mobile app. This app runs on several platforms. «My Pokit scopes» as in plural, is this correct? Or should it be called «My Pokit scope»? So I changed it to «My […]


New 19Dec2022, updated 27Sep2023 (readability, I didn’t understand my own phrases, [2], [1], ChatGPT). In work. Read first but I suggest, don’t press the links. On any second read, you’re allowed to press the links. This note is my first reaction to the surprising and bold switch by XMOS, to let the xcore architecture run […]

My Beep-BRRR notes

New 02Apr2021. Updated 15Feb2024. This note is in group Technology, sub-group My Beep-BRRR pages. Last changes, newest on top, left: My audio automatic gain control sw driver (AGC) notes referenced Related notes Wavtones by Pigeon Typos Ref Implementation F («simplest possible») works Use of mic_samples_buff_t for split needs  ref [18], not [8] XMOS libraries iOS sound recording has […]

My xC combined combinable notes

Started 16Feb2021 – updated 20Apr2021 – about finished. This note is in group Technology (plus My XMOS pages). For the TIOBE index 016:[10]: «xC programming». Observe that [[combinable]], as well as [[combine]] are xC keywords. Combined, as in the title, is not. I assume that much of xC’s terms are known. Fold handling with Collapse-O-Matic […]