For some years I was invited to present guest lectures in real-time programming at NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology). You can read them at Publications (mirror). Those years NTNU required me to have an «affiliated» web page. Since I have not done any guest lecture since 2019, these pages therefore went dead in Oct2021 (but […]

Lecture NTNU

«Becoming textual: attempting to model ‘XCHAN’ with CSPm» «Using FDR2 and ProBE tools when state-ing is not enough» This page is in group Technology. By Øyvind Teig, Autronica Fire and Security. Original 15April2013, updated August2013 Delivered as exam lecture for «TK8112 – The Theory of Concurrency in Real-Time Systems» All original lecture material: http://www.teigfam.net/oyvind/blog_notes/063/063-Teig-NTNU.zip. It’s not […]

My technological aside digressions

Started 21Feb2024 (with som moved from other notes). Updated 03Mar2024. This note is in group Technology. Observe Standard disclaimer. Intro: ..should not have been here These aside digressions are here because I don’t know where else to put them. They are all worthy of their own blog notes. But since their contents is not my speciality […]

Embedded threads in par for you?

Started 25Oct2023, updated 30Oct2023. This will be is in group Technology if I think it would be might be worth it. At first I will try to list up relevant other blog notes or lectures I have done or presented over the years, those may have filled in the same points that I initially thought […]

XCHANs: Notes on a New Channel Type

New 05Oct2023 – updated 09Oct2023. This paper is in group Publications. This note is a restoration and update of XCHANs: Notes on a New Channel Type. See the still existing CPA 2012 page. XCHANs: Notes on a New Channel Type Øyvind Teig. Autronica Fire and Security (AFS) (A UTC Fire and Security company) – https://www.autronicafire.no […]

Notes from the vault – 0x04 – Δ tillegg til norsk ultralydhistorie

Del av gruppene NOTES FROM THE VAULT og Technology. Δ tillegg til norsk ultralydhistorie Notater hva hvelvet –  0x04 In Norwegian, translate to English (but the Contents (above) and two PDF loads will fail: this and this) Visittkort/card: her. PDF her. Intro Jeg har flettet inn noen personlige minner her, i håp om at de krydrer fortellingen […]

Notes from the vault – 0x03 – Two early Autronica VLSI chips

Part of group NOTES FROM THE VAULT and My FPGA pages and Technology. Started 13Sep2021, updated 21Apr2022. (Burde jeg ha skrevet dette på norsk? Eller en på hvert språk? – translate) Two early Autronica VLSI chips In this note I will, hopefully with a lot of help from my friends, tell the story of two VLSI chips from the early 1980s . […]

My XMOS XTC Tools notepad

← → Started 14May2021. Updated 27Sep2023 (Search for that date. «Big Sur» and «RISC-V») xTIMEcomposer + new machine = ok is in group Technology and My XMOS pages This is structured as a log: newest at the bottom. Install on macOS Documentation of 15.0.6: https://www.xmos.ai/documentation/XM-014363-PC-4/html/tools-guide/install-configure/getting-started.html#get-started System requirements Aside: OS X / macOS: Yosemite, El Capitan (OS X 10.11), […]