This page contains links pasted from, which is a Page-type page made with the new Archive template (see Infinite scroll for Twenty Twelve Child).
Generated by Jetpack and sent to search engines by them. They may point to several other sitemaps:
- –
- Øyvind Teig
- «Drømmetur med en krokodille» – bare tekst
- [[TODO]]
- Early notes
- ETC.
- Den tomme barnevogna
- Det tomme pizzasausspannet
- Eggekartong i to etasjer
- En museumssamlings 125-årsjubileum. Kuratert av 125 personer
- Et strippet og ombygd voltmeter
- Far og datter. Om enda et foto
- Hvem giftet Liten Kirsten stalldreng seg med?
- Hvilken aldersgrense har et bilde med en mor som leier gutten sin i den ene hånda mens han har en ballong i den andre?
- Jeg tenker på han som holdt seg fast
- Leiebil
- Mindre lys på en, to jule-tre!
- One of them just could have been mine
- SanGimignano1300
- Side 115
- Småbilene
- To tell a mystery
- A bluish cupboard
- A shelf unit from stacked IKEA “Nissafors” utility carts
- Chest of swingable drawers
- DIY handbag hanger strap
- Floating wall cabinet with curved back
- Gjenbruk av materialer fra vevstoler
- Jewelry box
- Jewelry box
- Jewelry box
- Keeping a closet door open
- LEDuncle stand lamp
- Many-faced cabinet
- More laundry room furniture
- My aquarium holiday automatic fish feeder (for granules)
- My aquarium notes
- My cube and infinite loop decoration
- My IKEA «Alex» desk’s new table top
- My soft pill holder
- My some leftover furniture notes
- My Stelton EM77 vacuum jug cap ball hack
- Office desk, shelves and folding doors
- Protecting my laptop’s cable in a snap
- Roof floor LED list lamp
- Soap dish
- Thin material wooden cabinet with floppy doors
- Wall cabinet with 45 deg corners
- Workshop roof lamp with standing bulbs
- Just started refs
- A-Class photo shoot?
- All trains to stop (even models)
- All Trains to Stop (the book)
- Connecting catenary wires?
- Kondensatorer mot spenningshumper
- Krokodilleturen
- Late Alberto de Oliveira’s models
- MJ-bladet 4 2024 «Drømmetur med en krokodille»
- Modelljernbanesider (også tog generelt)
- My «Day’s End» by Jane Hart reflection
- My «Im taking an early holiday cos i know summer comes soonest in the south» note
- My album of model railway photos
- My BRAWA 0571 BLS Te 2/3
- My canal house miniatures
- My Crocodile locomotive pages
- My Fine Models E71 scale 1 model
- My Fleischmann 396071 DR-Baureihe E 60
- My Krokis notes
- My Lego 12077 crocodile notes
- My Lisbon tram 28 diorama
- My Märklin 37294 DB Class 191 electric locomotive
- My SBB Ce 6/8 III Crocodile pages
- My sharp curve wye switch..
- NMJ derailments
- Railway modelling scratchpad
- Roco 78494 ÖBB Class 1245 (527-5)
- SBB Ae 3/6 II (1:45 by model rail ag)
- SBB Ae 3/6 II (at Galleria Baumgartner)
- SBB Ae 3/6 II (H0 brass by Lemaco)
- SBB Ae 3/6 II (H0)
- SBB Ae 3/6 II (Spring-loaded Lemaco model)
- SBB Ae 3/6 II (Z scale by Märklin)
- SBB Ae 3/6 II revision dates?
- SBB Historic: Schaltplan – two circuit diagrams of the Ce 6/8 III crocodile
- Små krokodille-historier
- Små Krokodille-historier (bare tekst)
- Trip Trap modelhuse
- MODELS (this page to be removed)
- My aquarium notes
- My Beep-BRRR pages
- My e-fun notes (electronics fun)
- New
- Nøkkelversene
- Å kjenne nesten ingen ting
- Å legge merke til andre ting
- Å lirke dose
- Bombet
- Buksene
- En kamerat ringte
- En ting til
- For ett hundre dager siden
- Hele meg
- Innesandalene
- Jeg får se
- Jeg vet ikke hvor
- Kanskje neste gang?
- Kjenne etter ingen venn
- Normalene
- Nøkkelverset
- Nye tanker
- Putekanten
- Slapphet
- Som det oppleves
- Toppen for kroppen
- Uten tittel
- Older blog notes
- Øyvind Teig
- Privacy Policy
- Site Archives
- Site archives (ordered)
- Technology
- «The Go Programming Language» by Donovan & Kernighan
- «Waiting faster»
- A LED string dissected
- A reactive manifest
- A scope to fulfill
- Adapting without a button battery
- An encounter with AI-powered Cursor text editor and XC
- Aquarium
- Around the Swiss railway clock
- Atomic for all?
- Beep-BRRR using smart home to extend its functionality
- Block play for blockers
- C plus lib_xcore black-boxes xC
- Channel structures
- Channels and rendezvous vs. safety-critical systems
- Churchills elektroniske hemmelighet
- Connecting protocols
- Cooperative scheduling in ANSI-C and process body software quality metrics
- CPA 2018 fringe
- Cross-site tracking
- CSP on Node.js and ClojureScript by JavaScript
- Dampening iMac fan noise
- Determined about buffers and bit arrays?
- Embedded threads in par for you?
- Eventual concurrency
- ExtraPuTTY’s extras
- Fault injection detection
- FDR2 notes
- Fully charging hearing aids from (stubborn) power banks
- Go code examples
- Go(-lang) forums matters
- Hard real-time
- How much concurrency?
- HTML5 and concurrency
- IEC 61508 and (safe?) concurrency
- IEC 61508 and programming paradigms
- IEEE-COPA 2021 fringe
- Including an OS
- JavaScript tree becoming concurrent?
- Know your timer’s type
- kode24
- Lecture NTNU
- MC/DC is not either a rock band nor a current type
- Me relying on relaying BLE?
- My aquarium’s data radioed through the shelf
- My audio automatic gain control sw driver (AGC) notes
- My Beep-BRRR notes
- My Beep-BRRR notes (some log & movies)
- My BitScope notes
- My button presses vs bounce vs EMI notes
- My embedded RTOS notes
- My FPGA notes
- My FPGA pages
- My fritzing notes
- My Git/GitHub/GitLab notes
- My IceCore notes
- My iCircuit notes
- My IoT box(?)
- My KiCad notes
- My leaf of comfort – SW / HW that cannot turn against us?
- My lexical attempt at xC
- My materials science notes
- My MEMS microphones notes etc.
- My missing smart home connection
- My PicoScope notes
- My Piggyback WiFi1500 sliceCARD
- My Pokit scope(s)
- My processor-to-analogue audio equaliser notes
- My Rust programming language notes
- My SafeRTOS notes
- My SIGLENT scope log
- My single-board boards and why notes
- My subwoofer notes
- My technological aside digressions
- My USB watchdog (and relay output) box
- My WiFi101 library port
- My xC code downloads page
- My xC combined combinable notes
- My xC softblinking PWM notes
- My xCORE-200 eXplorerKIT notes (WiFi)
- My XMOS notes
- My XMOS XTC Tools notepad
- My Zephyr RTOS notes
- Nondeterminism
- Not so blocking after all
- Notes from the vault – 0x01 – Analog-to-digital converters (ADC)
- Notes from the vault – 0x02 – Transputers
- Notes from the vault – 0x03 – Two early Autronica VLSI chips
- Notes from the vault – 0x04 – Δ tillegg til norsk ultralydhistorie
- Notes from the vault – 0x05 – RTX-51, an embedded scheduler
- Perturbing concurrent processes
- Pike & Sutter: Concurrency vs. Concurrency
- Priority select in Go
- Radiobyggboken
- Rich interface component modeling
- Some macOS / OSX notes
- Some questions about SDL
- Sound on sound and picture?
- Spin-and-burn loop leveling
- Swift concurrency(?)
- Technical debt vs. technical deposit
- Timeouts and antiresonance(?) stop
- Timing out design by contract with a stopwatch
- To reset a plane
- Towards a taxonomy(?) of CSP-based systems
- Transputer TRAM (was: boards for sale)
- Trust me, it’s safe
- Two CPA 2015 fringe presentations
- Used for sale: USB scopes
- What, a square hole in the hull! None round?
- Wishes for a folding editor
- WYSIWYG semantics
- xC code examples
- xC is C plus x
- XCHANs: Notes on a New Channel Type
- XMOS FreeRTOS port
- XMOS xcore RISC-V
- Channelling through XCORE processors
- Testing ‘goto anchor’
- Wikipedia
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